Florida Man arrested for Child Pornography just had to be a clopper too - Bumpy Ride Ahead for My Little Pony fans.

Without fail, it always has to be Florida Man doesn't it?
In today's news, a Seminole County man was arrested for child pornography, by the FBI who raided his home in...Longwood...Florida.

The 25 year old Alexander Carlsson was caught downloading anime / cartoon porn, as well as My Little Pony pornography, in addition to the criminal images. 

The news has started grabbing hold of the headline and it will surely be spreading soon.

This will no doubt be used as ammunition by anti-bronies as an example instead of an outlier in a massive community. We expect a flood of tumblr posts within the hour, if they haven't begun already.

Rational individuals will point out that this man, having also downloaded other materials such as anime, over a TOR network, was clearly a criminal, and not right in the head in the first place and pony was probably the least of his problems, but this is the internet, and rationality is in short supply.

As of the time of posting, there are 4 known articles and spreading about the headline.

Comments (50)

  1. Yawn. This will kill the fandom just like whatever the fuck the last thing that was supposed to kill the fandom.

    1. Yeah, this will have the same affect as the guy who did murder who also happened to be a brony.
      ... which is quite literally nothing. I totally forgot he was even a thing.

      Certain parties may make more of a stink over this guy since it's cartoon porn-related, all because those parties think cartoon porn is the worst thing ever in the history of the world aside from stare rape and sitting on public transportation with your legs open.

      But what can you do. It's just another case of Florida Man if you ask me.

    2. The guy you're referring to wasn't actually a brony, you know. It was a ruse.

    3. Actually disregard that, you were prolly talking about the other guy, not the mass shooter.

    4. only retards thought Roof was a brony
      those pchops were entry level

    5. I had forgotten the other guy (not Roof). See how influential that was...

  2. And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those pictures of diddling kids!

  3. Oh he did use Tumblr. Well nothing new there then. Carry on.

  4. http://askmedusapony.tumblr.com/post/125460844210/yay-they-here
    Oh, wow, he was going to Bronycon. Well, the tags are right. It'll be easy to find him. In the Seminole County Jail.

    1. Wasn't just going to BronyCon, but he's listed on the website as a Sponsor / 3-day Plus registrant.

  5. Kinda knew this would happen sooner or later

  6. We've already had a murderer in the fandom. If we can survive that then we can survive this.

    1. I don't recall that.
      Besides, society sees pedos as worse than murderers anyway.

    2. http://www.horse-news.net/2015/02/wisconsin-brony-charged-with-murder.html

      Besides, with the sheer number of people who identify with this fandom it was bound to happen. I think by this point most people's minds have already been made up about the MLP fandom and I doubt this will change many minds.

    3. Yeah, I found it after making my post. I wasn't DOUBTING it, of course, I just didn't remember.

      And yeah, the more people you cram into one place, the more undesirables you're gonna find.

  7. This proves white people are pedophiles and bronies.

    1. This proves all humans are white people.

  8. The mod of the Pirate Dash tumblr just posted "Well you think you know someone, and then one thing completely changes that. And for the worse."
    It's not hard to see why: http://piratedashmod.tumblr.com/post/93909333799/askmedusapony-mod-i-almost-forgot-photos-i
    The original, in case PirateDashMod purges his blog: http://askmedusapony-mod.tumblr.com/post/93881855258/i-almost-forgot-photos-i-missed-so-many-people

    1. That's the thing that bugs me, I guess. That you never know who might have some dark secret. Is this guy really so surprising though with all the foalcon threads and art?

    2. As someone who knows way more about TJ than anyone would want to, him being friends with a pedophile does not surprise me in the slightest.

    3. Ha, he DID remove it.

  9. Wow. it's fucking nothing.

  10. I wonder if Dexter will go after this guy. It's Florida after all.

  11. I've heard that in jail beiing called a 'chester'(Child molester) is worse than using the N-word.

    1. I've heard that's completely made up and anyone who believes it is a double nigger.

  12. Is possible his computer might have been hacked, and someone else installed those photos on his computer?

    1. Are you his public defender? I would believe that Wikipedia is a better source for possible defense strategies than Horse News.

    2. Not over the fucking internet, so don't even try that excuse. Someone with have to physically break into your house, get on your computer, and put the stuff there, and no one's going that out of their way to frame anyone. Easier just to spam someone with false flag reports to take their blog down.

    3. Considering the reports say he confessed, I'm doubting that.

    4. this is why i never trust malware crap like whitesmoke toolbar and shit like that. who knows when one of these malware things lets their corporate interest into your computer to drop a bunch of criminal evidence in some corner of your drive and then dox you.

  13. Wouldn't even be the first time. Remember DWM? At least half those people drew foalcon and rape porn.

    Who would have thought all these people obsessed with rape would turn out to be perverts?

  14. TBH, I'm suprised in general that bronies dont emphasize thethe fact that almost every major character in MLP is an adult. Its a key part of why FIM appeals to 20-somethings, as most bronies are in the same life stages as the stars of the series. And it makes the whole pony fetish thing a lot less creepy. I'm not into ponies that way, but I'd prefer someone pining over 20-something Twilight Sparkle than 10-something Hermione Grainger. Capacity for consent is more important to me than what form they take.

    1. I tend to see people point it out a lot when people accuse them of being pedophiles for finding the mane six sexually attractive.

    2. That is a good point about the age of the major characters. This guy probably had a computer full of CMC porn though. Just one less guy starting threads about Sweetie Belle's marshmallow ponut.

    3. >TBH, I'm suprised in general that bronies dont emphasize thethe fact that almost every major character in MLP is an adult.

      Most do.
      But it's pointless because retards believe that being into a show for little girls = pedo through numerous roundabout ways.

    4. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Pony_age_1.png

      But they're not adults.

    5. young adults are adults
      especially if they own and work at businesses

  15. I'd be more concerned about any reaction from Hasbro, rather an anti-bronies.

  16. It's been over 24 hours and thankfully nothing has come from this. Sicko perv is deservedly in jail for doing illegal sicko perv things. Some news agencies tried to clickbait the pony angle. End of story, at least I hope.

    1. I think it has been thankfully covered up by the My Little Pony movie news, which takes up most of the spotlight right now.

      But still, Daily Mail and the like have a large readership and they took the clickbait angle.

  17. Actually the entire community is in an uproar about this. Female and male fans alike have been warning other fans of the show to avoid this guy, and cut all ties with his blogs.

  18. >bronies rabidly defend cloppers
    >cloppers turn out to be pedophiles
    >bronies stumble backwards and now try to claim that the cloppers were tumblrinas

    nice try m8

    1. Yeah, good fail on your part. A clopper turned out to be pedo. Somehow that equals all are. b8

    2. I'm sure that's how the media sees it. Way to ruin the good name of cloppers everywhere, Carlsson.

  19. Wait bronies defend cloppers? I thought the only worse thing to be was a horsefucker.

  20. Hey moron, did you even LOOK at his tumblr? He literally posted nothing sj related. Have you ever even been on tumblr in general because there are gigantic subgroups of every kind of person imaginable.

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  22. You guys are shocked? Bronies are probably the second creepiest fanbase on the internet, next to loli anime fans.

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