It was a dark day for Solar worshippers everywhere, when their
Waifufags have been weeping openly at the revelation, which not only confirms a relationship, but a full-on love story between the sun-goddess and the slave-driving emperor from the Crystal Empire. Many are shocked that the comics didn't pick the likes of Luna for the love interest, with what would be considered a dark, brooding character such as Sombra, but it is to be noted that this...isn't exactly Sombra. Something to do with parallel universes and magic mirrors, we won't spoil it for you any more than we already have. But nonetheless, this happened.
Anons have already begun the neo-Flash Sentry shitposting that is sure to plague Celestia threads from now until the end of the ride, also inviting the obvious counter-shitposting of "comics are not canon".
Sure they aren't Celestiafag...
...sure they aren't.
The comic is of course available in stores, or online for piracy.
We have received word of some sort of "KoolAid" party for Celestia Fans, we will return with updates.
We do in fact have responses on the matter from brother anons:

The show is ruined. I'm getting off the ride
ReplyDelete>I'm getting off the ride
The ride ends when Pinkie Pie dies.
DeleteIt's a good day to be a Lunafag.
ReplyDeleteHaven't read issue 18 yet but I don't think this is the same as why TwiFlash is shit, because Celestia doesn't have much of a personality, not as much as Twilight. So pairing Celestia with an equally as personality-less character isn't a destruction of her character. Plus, at least Celestia and Good!Sombra have at least one thing in common, they're both benevolent rulers of a kingdom; at least there's that. It's already a better ship than TwiFlash.
ReplyDeleteAs with most every other minor detail which does not fit my construction, I will choose to ignore this.
Celestia loved her human handler. When the humans left suddenly, she despaired. Then she thought she loved Discord. We know how that turned out. Other ponies she has lusted for, but always King Sombra a shit.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteFor some reason now I'm less bothered by the fact that Cook and price treat RD or AJ like shit.
ReplyDeleteI'm ok with this
ReplyDeleteOf course the fat fuck had to play the "OMG, it's just a comeeec" card to troll and mock the fandom.
ReplyDeleteAnd then he has the gall to cry and bellyache because he receives negative messages from pissed of people.
Every time a character gets a canon love interest and everyone rages, I laugh. I sometimes think I must be the only one who doesn't engage in waifufaggotry and doesn't care when this shit happens. So, fuck it. Ship all the characters! Let's give Luna and Fluttershy boyfriends next and conclude season five with Twilight and Flash's wedding. IDGAF.
ReplyDeletePersonally I don't care about Celestia's love subplot.
DeleteWhat pisses me off is how bot him and Katie kept adding Equestria Girls shit to the comic and then said it was canon.
Of course, this is the part where both of them whine and cry because of the negative comments they will get from evil, evil 4chan, etc. (Because only 4chan dislikes their shit, according to them.)
Equestria Girls WAS canon. Flash Sentry was in Three's A Crowd. Hell, depending on who you ask, that makes it more canon than the comics themselves. I get that people may not like the movie, but you can't really fault the rest of the franchise for acknowledging it. Like it or not, it does EXIST.
DeleteAt least she doesn't love Discord, that ship is TURRABLE.
ReplyDeletebut discord loves her. what will he do?
Deletethe neo sentry? thats bullshit, sombra is a badass, and now he got the sunplot!
ReplyDeletei did not know that was going to happen. wow. just wow. i never thought they would get togeter.
ReplyDeletehow is any of this happing? when did this all start? is sombra still evil or is he good now? what in ecwesteri is going on here?
ReplyDeleteWho reads comics?