Amy Keating Rogers under twitter attack by DinoNoms, claiming "bigotry" and "transphobia" in MLP

By now, we're used to the crazies on twitter. Whether it's Jose Mendoza trying desparately to get Megan McCarthy to read his fanfic, or a right wing nut telling everyone involved that they're going to hell, we thought we'd seen it all.

We were wrong.

Over the last 3 days, Amy Keating Rogers has been under almost constant assault by a twitter user named "DinoNoms". For what? We can barely discern. It has something to do with "bigotry" and "transphobia". 

While we try to sort this out, take a look at just SOME of the tweets s/he's lobbed her way.
Brace yourself.


Here are some of Amy's replies

Holy fuck Tumblr, calm the fuck down!
To make the whole thing worse, Amy doesn't even work on MLP anymore.

Feel Free to report DinoOmNoms account for "targeted harassment" .

Comments (53)

  1. Gasoline for the fires.

    1. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

      what tha fuck is this?


    2. remember when the otaku/gamer community criticizes the brony fandom for being too homoerotic


      i think they bite their tongue too much

  2. Shitlords Anonymous.

  3. Just report @DinoOmNoms' Tweets against Amy Rogers as targeted harassment towards another user.

    1. @DinoOmNoms should have tweet harassment over Meghan McCarthy about becoming a worst story editor and a worst head of story instead of poor Amy Keating Rogers.

  4. Sounds like a /b/tard.

  5. How the fuck is an "agender" person supposed to be transgender? Transgender implies you are of a different gender than what you [s]actually[/s] physically are. Agender means you aren't of any gender. You can't be both of a different gender and of no gender at all. Checkmate, femishits.

    1. Since when do those kinds of people know any bounds? Remember, you're dealing with some who think they're a fucking star, and I mean an actual star floating in space radiating heat and light. I'm sure these batshit insane folk will find a way to combine the two.

    2. Everyone that owns a computer and has a bone to pick thinks they have the right to attack anyone. Sure, the global phenomenon that is interconnectivity remains awkward and slanted in its safeguards, but... when you reveal yourself in any manner whilst aligned to anything remotely controversial - no matter how innocently or harmlessly - you're gonna attract the attention of some privileged nihilist that deserves to step on your electronic windpipe solely for their own piteous require.

      I mean, it isn't selectively pertaining to MLP. Horrible people who aren't always horrible have their worst days and assault anyone who might be interested or affected. If there's any response, well... here we go. Another social issue, more people taking sides despite never being included, and more chaos than a r required.

      Makes me wonder if the government is making a quiet statement in regards to personal freedoms. As in we don't know how to have them. Pity.

  6. Could we please get a more readable version of tweets in the future? The same tweets are shown multiple times at different places and it's very unclear if you are supposed to read them from top to bottom or bottom to top. At some places you are supposed to read the images from bottom to top but the tweets within the image are organized chronologically from top to bottom.

    1. ^this
      so fucking this.
      Cap first, drink later Capper.

    2. I'm going to second this. Or third this, rather. I like reading tranny rage, but this is barely comprehensible in its current presentation, and not for the usual reasons.

  7. >"I'm an ACTUAL TRANS PERSON. It is NOT my job to educate bigots."

    Right, its a cis person's job. Because clearly cis people know more about trans issues than trans people do. Then again this whole thing wasn't even a trans issue to begin with.

  8. You can report users for targeted harassment on Twitter now. A multi-day barrage like this surely qualifies.

  9. wow another typical social justice parasite/warrior swinging their bullshit at anything or anyone they assume to be racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/anti-feminist iam definitely standing by Amy on this one

  10. Everyone should block and report this fucker.

  11. That's some really dedicated troll.

    1. This person is not a troll. Just look at the other tweets they've sent out.

  12. People like this are so cocksure of themselves. Does it ever enter their heads that maybe, just maybe, they're wrong? A little self-doubt goes a long way.

    Not to mention this barrage of tweets is the Twitter equivalent of bullying.

  13. Oh c'mon this is pure fucking bait and you dumbshits are falling for it. I hate socially removed activists as much as the next faggot, but really this is some shit trolling.

    /mlp/ we know it's you doing this just to paint SJWs as batshit crazy.
    >implying SJWs weren't batshit crazy to begin with
    We don't need to be reminded of how hilariously stupid most of them are.

    1. I've seen enough crazy social justice weirdos to say that this looks WAY more like a genuine person than a troll. For one, their arguments, compiled, actually make the tiniest bit of coherent sense, for the most part. I can actually understand why this person is upset, and the issue seems like it came from a real (ly crazy) person. It's not just a typical rant like /mlp/ might make. The person who wrote this really believes in what they are saying.

  14. The fact that Amy is indulging this creeper is extremely unprofessional and embarrassing...
    That's something someone like me would do

    1. same thought. are you a professional or a professional whiner-baby who responds 100s of times to an obvious troll so you can bilk sympathy points from your legion of followers. pathetic.

  15. Don't be a conservatard. There's assholism and douchebaggery on both sides of the political ideology spectrum. Bringing back the HUAC is one of those.

  16. This chick (?) started yelling at a Roundstable poster. When you can find yourself light years further left than that place, you deserve some sort of medal.

  17. Not sure if troll, or just retarded.
    Ah, what do I care? It's entertaining either way.

  18. If anyone dares say that tumblr is nothing but pure snowflakes when it comes to shit talking the bronies, just show them this fucking autist.
    First derpy, now whatever the fuck the retard is sperging out over. Poor Amy, leave her the fuck alone already.

  19. amy keating rodgers is part of the disablility community though cuz she's pants-on-head retarded

  20. Bringing back the HUAC is one of those? Riddle me this, then.

    WHERE is it written that the American people are not allowed to investigate the government for traitors, the media for traitors, the SJWs for traitors, and find them, and root them out, and get them out before we're all killed by them? Killed by people like DinoNoms and Brianna Wu?

    I say the American people should get together and form a people's HUAC; who the fuck NEEDS Congress? They're a useless bunch of lobbyists anyway!

  21. > Killed by people like DinoNoms and Brianna Wu?

    I didn't know it was possible to kill someone by whining on the internet.
    Nice b8 tho. Easily 0/10.

  22. >people unironically shitting on AKR for her trying to deal with a turbo-autist
    go back to your tumblr blogs you fags

    1. If some rabid shithead insults you, are you really going to hit the block button or are you going to do what feels good and push back?

  23. I was told she actually tried to get others involved and was completely ignoring there comments and tried to rally them. They ended up blocking her. As far as im concerned as a brony ive sent my support to amy and I truelly have quite a bit of respect for her. This is downright utterly feckin disgusting behavior and the bitch as far as im concerned doesnt belong to any respectable group.

  24. Man, the cherry on top of all this happening today was seeing Purple Tinker harassing BronyCon once again. I think the east coat is going to cheer when she finally flees, though I feel sorry for those on the Pacific. Those poor bastards are in for a reality check once they are around her in person more often.

    1. Listen, those transphobic fucks didn't give me a booth because of their extreme transphobia!! They were founded by a trans woman, and as such, they should be married to their computers like I am, and prepared to blog about any breaking news regarding the LGBT population!!!

  25. The fact that this tard is from Canada is embarassing. Pls leave.

  26. Congrats Capper, that post/enema got the last shred of faith that I had in humanity right out of my bowels; why is Amy engaging with this shit again? It's the internet equivalent of watching her roll around in sewerage. The only explanation I can suggest is that she actually believes in Equestria-logic and that "talking with upset people is the best way to solve problems". HAHA. NO. Even a horse would push the block button on this level of unchecked privilege.

  27. Does this look like /v/, you dumb cunt?

  28. This is why political correctness and oversensitivity are bad. It just gives morons like this 32year old woman(?) Who can't decide a gender reasons to bitch and moan about how hard their life is. Get over it, kid. I don't care if you're 12 years older than me, DinoNoms, you act like your 13. Grow up, toughen up your skin and move forward in life. It wasn't meant to be nice and easy for you.

    1. Apparently they are afraid MLP is turning their 7 year old niece into transphobe. I'm sure her terrifying, gender confused, uncle I'd playing no part I'm that.

  29. Sounds like a troll. Somebody who took tumblrs bullshit and decided to use it for shits and giggles.

    1. Sounds like someone's never been to Tumblr.

  30. One more chance, you two assclowns. WHERE is it written that the American people are NOT allowed to investigate them?

  31. While we're at it, why don't we bring back witch trials? How long has it been since we've burned someone at the stake? The answer is too long!

  32. All right, I'll take a nibble then.

    > One more chance, you two assclowns. WHERE is it written that the American people are NOT allowed to investigate them?

    The fourth amendment to the Constitution.

    If you think you've got a trap, now's the time to spring it. This oughta be good for a chuckle.

  33. All this SJW rage is giving me an erection.

  34. And reported huehuehue

  35. And suddenly the crickets are deafening.
