D.Order Of Ponycons destroys peace of Neutrality.

Today the unthinkable happened, and a peace that many didn't even know existed was shattered, when D.O.O.P. (The D[REDACTED] Order Of Ponycons) attacked the neutral post homeland. This unprovoked passive aggression was found to be prompted by the infamous DOOP commander, henceforth referred to as "Zapp".

Ponyville Ciderfest, a convention that Horse News has thusfar regarded with the absolute epitome of neutrality saw fit to remove HN from their press release mailing list, unfollowing Horse News on Twitter, and reports indicate giving us the finger from the other side of their computer screens. All of this following the single most unbiased, neutral post about a convention that Horse News has ever made in it's entire existence, and in fact the only post made about Ponyville Ciderfest thusfar.

Under the new programming directorship of "Zapp", The Ciderfest has determined that Horse News is simply "too neutral to be trusted", officially severing the ties that they themselves created months ago.

The news of new guest announcements went out today to areas not teeming with neutrality, such as Ponyville Live, who informed Horse News of the tactical passive-aggression deployed by the D[REDACTED] Order of Ponycons, effectively destroying the neutrality held by both. 

A brief investigation vetted the PVL information. Horse News has been placed on an immediate "Beige Alert".
We trusted you Korger. We trusted you.

The neutral post homeworld has released a statement on the matter; "We urge absolutely no response to this passive aggression. If you see Ponyville Ciderfest, tell them 'Hello'."

At press time, the Horse News neutral forces have been given orders to find fucks to give.

Comments (11)

  1. "too neutral to be trusted" more liek "sorry we dont want you here because you might report about stupid shit in a non biased way"

    1. Ciderfest REQUESTED to be reported on by Horse News. Do you see the screencaps?

    2. More like they don't want a bunch of pasty white guys making potato salad on the floor or ignoring some pos plushie theif in their click.

      But hey, who else but fucktarded bronies?

    3. You forgot the part about also being fat, kissles manlets

  2. Let's burn their stupid con to the ground, and pee on the ashes with salty urine made of brony tears and self-pity.

  3. This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain draft in its final form would it?

  4. And how exactly do they plan to make a CIDERfest without Horse-News?

  5. It was just misunderstanding. Ponyville Ciderfest is follow your twitter again.

    1. I think I know who you are.

    2. You do? Are you the same Jordan, I talked to in the comments on the PewDiePie videos? (Before he disabled the comment section)

    3. I don't remember commenting on any PewDiePie videos, or if I did, I'm remembering it as a different YouTuber's video.
