A history of harassment, wishing car accidents on people, running scared, and a little known criminal offense called "accessory and conspiracy to commit blackmail" in this week's edition!
more after the break!
I apologize in advance: this will be a tumblr-esqe post and for a damned good reason.
If you don't know who Vesperblade is (or was): she was a longtime follower of Kick-Neckbeard-Ass and the wisher of people getting into terrible car crashes
Now, when you go on her page, this is the only thing you will see:
![]() |
"Where are we runnin? Oo wee oo wee oo" |
The question is why would Vesperblade nuke her blog and then run and hide at the mention of a article about her? Lets find out.
First: we should catch everyone up to what happened after the Kick-Necbeard-Ass article (and do please mind the dave matthews)
After the article my family was harassed, and I was doxxed and threaten that my address would be spread online if I did not take down the article about KNA.
I sent a letter to tumblr that night, hoping to get them to find out who did it (and was given no help)
I left the first 4 letters of the gyazo pic to show that this was the pic of the Gyazo and only left the last two letters in the IP to protect the IP of the doxxer but to show it is the same IP.
Afterwards, I labeled it as "Doxxer" so I would know the next time the person arrived to my blog.
That was until I received this tip.
It got me thinking of a way to prove her involvement or her not being involved of the harassment: devise a trap.
At the end of the Brody Hickson article, Remember the list that was published at the end of it? I posted it to create waves in the anti-brony circlejerk which would catch the eye of the doxxer.
And the doxxer waltzed right into the trap.
![]() |
Gotcha |
Again she fell right into the trap
Although I cannot prove that she was "Billie Adil" This no doubt prove that she was the one who doxxed me and would be in trouble for "conspiracy to blackmail" with authorities... if I so choose to report it.
Next week (again hopefully): Lucariowoah
Fuck, these freaks are pathetic.
ReplyDeleteYour tumblr theme is shit and so is your taste in music, but this was a fun read. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteThat;s why Adblock plus is magic.
DeleteIf you autoplay, you're a faggot.
If you autoplay Dave Matthews, just delete your tumblr and kill yourself.
DeleteGet the fuck out 4chan lol
Nigger could at least be into Dylan if he had to follow an alt-rock pussy
DeleteOP is a fag.
ReplyDeletelol so i guess Lucariwoah always believed the white cop’s story before tumblr hanh
ReplyDeletegood to know
Still don't know who the biggest loser is - Vesperblade's camp or OP.
ReplyDeleteVesp really and rest of the faggots getting scared/ mad over some dude who writes tongue and cheek, third rate Onion articles about them.
DeleteThis dude is getting mad/scared too, though.
Deletedid vesperblade feel the need to namefag and post it on a news site for bronies
Deletedun think so
Before Vesperblade took down her tumblr, I had a browse-through. Much like all of the other users these "articles", they dedicate 1% of the time and effort that Chelis spends publicly decrying them. Kind of makes you wonder who's the immature dramawhore?
DeleteThese articles are no longer about satirical journalism and are more about this writer trying to get people to be his personal army.
^ "they dedicate 1% of the time and effort that Chelis spends publicly decrying them."
DeleteYou are going to have to expound on what you are talking about a bit further. Please explain a) where exactly the effort is being trained, and b) what it is between the subject and the writer you are comparing
On anything. Browsing through the blogs of a lot of these people, they make little to no mention of what he's doing, let alone by name, yet Chelis is sill talking about Pinkiepony like her blogs are still public outcries again Princess Celestia and rape culture and how most bronies are disgusting cisscum. But, surprise surprise, she's been talking about having a life.
DeleteTo be fair, though, he doesn't have a life. And the two women he's in love (or at least, very, very obsessed) with don't want anything to do with him beyond the friendzone, so he has to take it out on writing these supposed "articles" while giving himself a self-congratulatory pat in the back.
>implying anyone with a pecker would have the hots for a legbearded shut-in like these obnoxious tumblr cunts
Deletealso since when does "having a life" mean going through the motions of finding out someone's personal information and then bothering to "inform" the relatives of a person they dislike of what they do in their free time online
sounds rather turbonerd-ish for someone "having a life," regardless of what their public blog says about them
@anon 6: sauce on those claims?
Delete"These articles are no longer about satirical journalism and are more about this writer trying to get people to be his personal army."
Deletebut isn't that what 4chan is anymore, the personal army of turbonerds with an axe to grind
sorry I forgot, just the /mlp/ section is
(can we laugh at king beta calling himself a womanizer who can't even hold down a job or get a single girl's attention yet)
>the personal army of turbonerds with an axe to grind
DeleteWell... seeing as how someone on tumblr just got doxxed and kicked off the site all because they apparently "misused" a hashtag relating to the Ferguson riots (http://kthulhu42.tumblr.com/post/94704321643/tumblr-doxxed-someone-because-they-used-a-hashtag), I'd say that that's more tumblr's line of work nowadays.
And if you want a more direct example, well just read what happened to the author.
I did read what happened to this whiny little bitch, and what I'm seeing is:
Delete>posts someone else's info
>panics when someone else sends his own info to him privately
did this person post it publicly? not that I've seen. whiny fat fuck, go back to what you're good at - eating and not fucking women.
he posted a picture of someone and said someone's name.
Deletethis cunt found his info, contacted his relatives and might have shared it with the other autistic legbeards.
bit of a difference.
Hey it's whoo!
DeleteHi whoo!
So /mlp/ thinks to tell Pinkiepony's folks via dox about all the shit she kicked up online, and these fags throw a tantrun about how wrong it is and shit.
ReplyDeleteThen this fag goes through with it on Chellis, and they think it's great for the most part.
>what are double standards
Oh hey the fun police has arrived. Way to ruin some hilarious drama that may destroy this fucking fandom, faggot. Take your petty moral bullshit and shove it.
DeleteAlso dance monkeys! Dance!
>destroy this fandom
Delete>in 2014
I shiggy doggy m8, Costanza evrywhere
Pinkie was an attention seeking cunt that jump started a shitty hate movement on Tumblr. What's Chelis guilty of? Being witness to Tumblr?
DeleteSign me up, I wanna write for Hoss Nyews
i hate that I was too ignorant of the amount of control people had over their shit views on tumblr, I could whip up a few good ones on Jestre and Jitters, but most of it is long gone now, and google rarely caches random tumblrs. Next time they dogpile on some random artist chick though, I'll definitely remember to nick some shots and htmls. I can only hope plushiethief manages to pay them a visit one day too and jizz all over their shitty 3edgy creative horseling plushes.
DeleteI really don't know why people make a big deal out of how they tried to make an underage artist stop drawing porn and stop seeing a pedo. That's one of the few times I was on their side. Seriously, Jitters and Jestre are guilty of so much other faggotry which is so much worse. Why is random artist chick everyone's big point of contention?
Deletelast I checked jitters and jestre at least try to keep their dumb shit to themselves and don't ruin other people's fun by being twats with a major case of unwarranted self-importance
DeleteThough I do think there is major potential for a cringe corner entry on some of Jitters' weirder shit.
DeleteIt's like watching George Bush going after a gang of neo-Nazis with a machine gun. Chelis may be a faggot, but I can always get behind pissing off SJWs. I say we let this farce play out for now, put up with some shitty articles while Chelis plays at being a mastur trole, and then we can all gangrape him into submission once he's done. That sound okay to everyone?
ReplyDeleteIf he doesn't get accused of rape, first.
Delete>chellis gets falsely accused of rape by SJW
Delete>takes it to court
>court finds zero proof of any rape actually happening
>"perpetuating rape culture" through false rape reports
>tumblrinas blown the motherfuck out for life
oh please let this happen
>Implying court doesn't find out Chelis is in fact a virgin
Delete>No rape possible
You guys are implying the rape accusations were/are false.
ReplyDeleteThis? This is just stupid.
ReplyDeleteI love you Chelis, please do Lucariwoah and Ponett next. I dunno if the latter's been asking for it, but worth a look.
ReplyDeleteChelis u r a fag, but a really cool fag, like a good kind of fag u kno