Sean Rey - victim of Hit and Run passes away at 26.

Sometimes you get a piece of news that is like a punch square in the stomach.
It is with a heavy heart that we must inform you all that Sean Rey, our fellow pony-fan who was victim of a double hit-and-run while cycling to work on April 2nd, has passed away, at the age of 26 due to his injuries. He died in the medical center on Saturday, April 18.

A fund that was originally being used towards his medical bills that was being supported by many members of the community of which he was a part, is now being used towards funeral expenses.

Horse News was reached out to by the Alabama Bronies group over a week ago seeking assistance in spreading the word about a pony-related charity auction to raise money for care of their fellow member Sean, after the hit-and-run shattered his pelvis, spine, skull, and numerous other injuries.

Bronies and other concerned citizens raised over $13,400 in 2 weeks towards his medical bills.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

Comments (20)

  1. Shitty way to go, rest well.

  2. Damn, I never thought our DDOS attacks could actually kill someone.. we're more powerful than I thought.

    1. What? Who are you?

    2. the dipshits that took down fimfic and other sites because of their crusades against "degenerates"

    3. Well, that's boring. I'll go read some fics or whatever.

    4. Please, you are the weakest of the secs. At least lulzsec got into psn, all you goys did is loic shit.

    5. Nah men they're totally cool hackers dude, claiming to helping the world get rid of "degeneracy" by bringing a bunch of sites down for a couple hours top! Surely these guys are dangerous and nothing to fuck with and totally not just some kids begging for attention!

  3. Well, that's unfortunate. At least people, both in the fandom and otherwise, are donating money that will help make one thing easier during what is going to be a hard time for his family. Losing a family member is hard enough, and having all the added expenses of medical bills and funerary services just adds stress.
    Hope they throw the book at the guy who did it.

  4. God rest his soul.
    Is there any known motive for the Hit and Run attack?

    1. Considering the first driver stopped and called the ambulance, I'm guessing it wasn't an attack, just an accident.
      Can't speak for the second driver, but they apparently found him the other day.

    2. The first driver left, then came back. She hit Sean because she was too busy talking on the phone to notice him. She never called 911. Even after witnessing the second car run him over, she still didn't hang up from her conversation to call 911, not did she ever get out of her vehicle to check on him. Please do not give her credit for allowing him to get run over. Thank you

  5. we've lost worse people than a Jewish conservative racist tbh

    1. Need sauce pls.
      Dump ALL the sauce.

    2. this isn't purple twanker we're talking about bud

    3. Check his facebook

    4. Why you have to be like this? Poor guy just wanted to fuck horses just like the rest of us. I hope he gets his 72 mares. RIP.

  6. Poor dude.

    Cap, I'm still waiting for a response to that question of mine in the Sony leaks article comments, the long post btw.

    And yes, sauce or GTFO. Speaking ill of innocent people that have recently died is just not on.

  7. Prayers go out to his family. Sorry for their loss.
