Infamous IDW writer tells Charlie Hebdo victims to check their privilege (UPDATES)

"Notable" IDW MLP writer Ted "Men are gross" Anderson hit another level of WTF recently. Not even days after the tragedy in Paris that cost the lives of twelve cartoonists at the hands of Islamist terrorists, we get the opinion that matters from our favorite comic writer.
In response to a cartoonist's attempt at making a statement:

Continuing with the theme of "marks on ink made terrorists incapable of doing anything but killing other human beings," Anderson reblogged from DragonDicks in support of the fight against the solidarity movement "Je Suis Charlie:"

Anderson is notable in the past for his distaste of the MLP fandom, as well as his political beliefs about oppression and other social issues. IDW proudly stood by him and openly censored any discussion about the issue.

Needless to say, we at Horse News are confused by the actions of a writer who presumably knows many cartoonists, as well as his flagrant disregard for the victims of a massacre.

 "Un auteur de BD americain: Charlie Hebdo est responsible?"

We'd like to thank the anon in the comments for reminding us that calling Anderson a "writer" is a journalistic error on our part. But let's keep this somewhat serious  ~Critic


So turns out word must have made it back to Ted that people - rational people - were upset by this.

No shit.

He went back to tumblr to backtrack on his actions, by deleting some posts and making some more. 

Here they are

He claims to feel bad because he reblogged in support of something he apparently had no idea the context of (a tumblr user? Blindly reblogging things they know nothing about? Unheard of, we know).

Ted Anderson admitting he was wrong? What's going on here...?

Or maybe he's just sorry he got caught. You be the judge.

But yeah Ted, here's your update.

Comments (70)

  1. Replies

    2. AGAIN... bronies always throwing a big shit fit over other's opinions. No fucking surprise there. It's expected when a good chunk of them are mostly right leaning libertarian shitheads and social conservative pissants.

    3. Check your premises

    4. POB, look at the French anon's comment below. Anderson and the rest of the morons in this article are wrong about everything they're talking about. Talking shit about the dead victims of a terrorist attack is pretty fucking low in itself, but they're actually talking shit about the victims because of something the victims didn't even actually fucking do. If you would defend behaviour like that while acting like WE are the problem and trying to make this about your petty hatred again, then there's nothing more to be said except that you're a morally bankrupt, self-serving hypocrite, and that you have no standards, no decency, and no shame.

      Get out of my fucking sight, you fucking waste of skin.

    5. God...

      I looked at the hashtag and went "Oh God, please don't let this turn into another GamerGate!", but then...oh, but then...I saw the stupidest motherfucker in the world call being outraged by MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLES SUPPORTING MOTHERFUCKING TERRORISTS KILLING PEOPLE WHO OFFEND THEM "throwing a big shit fit" and calling everyone "right leaning" and "conservative" when the victims here were really fucking liberal.

      To think there was ever a time when I thought conservatives were the only bad guys and liberals were so much more enlightened. To think that there was ever a time when I didn't realize that you're all just fascists who can't stand the mere existence of opposing thought, even when it's from people who are on your side.

    6. >trusting liberals
      you gotta go full marxist leninist otherwise you get shit like this where the "left" is too weak and retarded to draw a line in the sand against any kind of religious extremism and terrorism if it's not white people doing it. Fucking retards like "ponies over bronies" would rather feed and accommodate the reactionary pieces of shit instead of punishing them for spreading their mental disorder to the rest of the population. I'm pretty soft compared to some other Marxists-Leninists I know and even I know you can't excuse this kind of anti proletarian bullshit to go on.

    7. I thought this SJW got fired from IDW?
      Either way I don't buy the comics.
      Also he clearly only changed his tune when people called him out on it.
      Spineless can be added to his sins.

    8. That moment when you're a brony with the name "Ponies-Over-Bronies" that actively views articles on Horse News, but you lose your shit on any brony with an opinion and blame it on being part of a fandom.

    9. So uh.. does IDW do a three strikes and you're out for their staff or what? I think this makes two that the public are aware of.

      Oh, and I guess we're so far into the hiatus that we're starting to turn into /pol/. But hey, at least it's over something that matters. (The terrorist attack, not goddamn Ted.)

    10. Yep. Looks like it. Ah well. I suppose there are worse things to turn into than /pol/.

      I mean, I can't think of any, but I'm sure they exist.

  2. I don't have enough popcorn for this shit right now.

  3. no, ted, you can't be one of the 72 virgins

  4. I dunno, calling Ted Anderson 'famous' or 'a writer' just seems dishonest. I expect better from you, Horse News.

  5. "I'm a huge feminist but I don't want us to be angry about the group of people that continually violates major human ethics including (but not limited to) actual rape apologists, stoning people of different religion, sexuality, and gender TO DEATH, prohibiting basic human freedoms and pleasures that I myself of take advantage of every day, and continually advocate a message of never ending violence against anyone who slightly disagrees with them. Though they represent what an ACTUAL major form of misogyny is, I'd rather sit behind my desk with my thumb up my ass complaining about some guy's shirt, a humor blog, pathetic men who enjoy a little girls cartoons, or how a female celebrity says she likes to cook for her significant other."

    This is what we're dealing with? This is what "feminism" is degrading itself to?

    Fucking hell, it's not even like this is the first time something like this has happened. South Park continually mocks every single ideology, celebrity, and religion on earth, but the ONLY time they were threatened with death? When they tried to put Muhammad in their show. Then before that, there was the Dutch magazine incident that almost mirrors this one. So Ted, I'd like to say fuck you if you think what you're saying is intelligent in any form. Clearly you don't know jack shit and are fighting for the wrong cause. I know you say you don't advocate violence, that's great and I don't either. But I sure as hell stand up for anyone's right to say and portray what they want, humor or otherwise. And yes, that includes every piece of dribble you put out as well. I may not agree with it, but you have every right to express it. Remember, either it's all okay to joke about, or none of it is. Personally, I like Catholic Priest jokes too much to give up everything.

    Now if you excuse me, I'm going to draw a stick figure with the word "Muhammad" over his head to see if that summons the Taliban. Or Al-Qaeda. Or ISIS. Or the Muslim Brotherhood. Or who ever the fuck it is now.

    1. I don't think it's even about faux-feminism. I think it's about pandering to what they think is the "right" side.

      After so many years of people complaining about Fox News and Republicans and such, we have- quite ironically- been oversaturated with nothing but right-wing propaganda. After hearing so much strawman bullshit, you have all these people who believe that strawman bullshit, except they're *for* it instead of *against* it. Now we're seeing the left go through what happened to the right: The nutjobs on the fringe taking over, purging everyone who isn't far enough on their side. Dickosphere is one of these fringe loonies and Anderson is nothing more than a kiss-ass siding with what he thinks is popular opinion.

      When someone brings up what Islamo-fascists think about women and transgendered people, watch Dickie call for the death of all Muslims and watch Anderson follow suit.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Getting offended at literally nothing. It finally happened.
    Tumblr faggots, please, from the bottom of my jaded soul, kill yourselves already.

    And if that second post isn't whatever these retards like to call "victim blaming," I have no fucking clue WHAT is.

    1. It's not victim blaming because the people who actually give a shit about that actually don't give a shit about that.


  8. I got bored. Yes I know I can't draw. Ted can't write, but that doesn't stop him.

    1. Why in the hell did it space out my text like that?

    2. Because it knew you were right and wanted to emphasize that one point to show everyone.

    3. >naked sex god
      >Ted w/o slightest boner
      You made me sad.

  9. Frenchfag here, FOR THOSE WONDERING:

    The so called wall of text that ted replied is of course full of bullshit:
    Basically, 'Murrican tumblrite pulled random covers from Charlie Hebdo WITHOUT THE CONTEXT, and, like the SJW they are, assumed that because a black is pictured with a finger up his butt (the black guy is an antisemite and they say fuck you to him) or because a black woman is represented as a monkey (it's actually the far right party that called her a monkey, they used that picture to DENOUNCE the obvious racism in the far right party) it means that they are racist, and thus big "NONO" for them.

    Charlie Hebdo was, if anything, libertarian, and it's both hilarious and infuriating how the far left SJW turns on someone who had pretty much the same opinion on society just because they fail basic sarcasm.

    1. I am so not fucking surprised, but I am somehow even more disgusted with these people than I was before. These morons have no shame at all.

    2. Eh, SJW aren't even entirely left anymore. They are left-winged people who adopted a right-winged mentality, will all the selfishness and elitism that is inherit to it.

    3. This isn't even right-wing. This is what happens ultimately when any ideology doesn't get it's bullshit called out on. It starts out with everything thinking one side is right and the other side is wrong, so no one is going to call bullshit on the "right" side. Eventually, people start getting fed up with this and go to the other side out of sheer spite, leaving fewer people to keep the "right" side in check. Then, with the most moderate elements gone and the opposition wrong by default, the only enemies left are those who aren't "right" enough, thus starting the purging of all those who aren't ideologically "pure". Everyone who's not an extremist is driven to the other side and the whole process repeats itself.

      Conservatives had this happen with the neo-cons and now liberals experiencing it with social justice.

  10. your right to a nation ends where their right to cheap labor and a one world state begins

    your right to life ends where their right to cut off your head begins

    how I'd love to teleport ted anderson into one of the muslim populated police no-go-zones. let him enjoy the diversity he likes to champion without having to live in it

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. >That photo of Fuckwad
    I'm 99% certain it was taken at my FLGS/comic shop.

  13. So... all comments regarding Ted's lastest fuckup were already purged out from IDW's boards.

    It's as if Bobby and Sprite wanted to make everyone hate them and stop purchasing the comic as well.

    1. Uh huh, I'm sure Hasbro and their shareholders will give their fucking time and money to listen to a bunch of whiny pissant manbabies like yourselves. Yep, sure that's the kind of bullshit you bronies want the rest of the world to know. Whatever complaints you send to Hasbro and their affiliates like IDW, pretty sure they're reading them aloud and laughing at the fact you losers took the time and effort to cry to them.

    2. Did I not just tell you to fuck off, POB? You're completely ignorant about this issue and you're scum besides. You don't get to have an opinion anymore. You lost the right.

    3. Ah. So bronies ARE STILL incapable of accepting other's opinions. Thanks for confirming this, mister angry anon. Have fun browsing the internet with your petty "bro" insecurities.

    4. Not all opinions are equal. If your opinion is wrong, as was proven, there is no reason why ANYBODY should accept it, brony or otherwise, and I'm in the "otherwise" camp, FYI, so you can fuck off with whining about that, too. The whole point of anon is to force you to exercise some actual thought and judge a person on their own merits, without petty prejudices and assumptions coming into things, so kindly stop assuming things about me. I could be a transexual black lesbain from the Middle East for all you know, and it wouldn't change the meaning or weight of my words one way or the other. You'd still be just as much of a hateful shrew and you'd still be wrong no matter who I am.

    5. Nice group generalisation here, man.

      ALso, TED HIMSELF ADMITTED HE FUCKED UP on his tumblr, and just reblogged baseless shit.

      And this wasn't just "opinion", this was pure misinformation.

    6. Ted being an ignorant fatass doesn't excuse hir IGNORANT bashing against others, dude.

      If anything, this only makes him look even more idiotic than before.

    7. I love how POB seems to think a little girl's cartoon is more important than ISLAMO-FASCIST TERRORISM.

      Seriously, are you a fucking five year old or are you actually mentally handicapped? Or are you such a raging sociopath that you can't even understand that kiddie show bullshit is not even remotely as serious as blaming the victims of a terrorist attack for being the victims of a terrorist attack. Jesus Christ, any functioning adult knows how fucking wrong that is. Even avantblargh had the good sense to hide behind a "I don't condone violence" disclaimer even when she clearly defended terrorists and supported censorship through fear and violence because when you openly support terrorism, you don't look like the good guy.

      Holy shitballs, it's like you don't how to funciton in the real world.

    8. The crickets are deafening.

      Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that POB has learned anything, or even understands that it was wrong.

    9. Will POB admit that he's wrong or just go back to tumblr and whine about it?

  14. >Islamaphobia

  15. >ponies-over-bronies comes crying into the comments
    Get a load of this autism.

  16. <_>

    Gettin' real tired of this shit, IDW. Can't we just let Ted go back to Wonderland, where this weird logic of his makes some sort of bizarre sense?


  18. And this is why I haven't bought any more FiM comics.

    I will not buy them again as long Ted and Bobby Curnow remain at IDW, one fucking things up and the other one protecting the fucker over and over again like a well trained gay slave.

  19. Y'all commenters need Jesus.

    1. You need to update your meme game, faggot

    2. An actual homosexual9 January 2015 at 17:52


      Oh fuck off, faggot.

    3. "An actual homosexual"
      Oh cute you changed your name from anonymous. How about you leave, you're just wasting time.

    4. An actual homosexual9 January 2015 at 18:55

      I'm not the anon who first replied to you. I just think that equating use of the word faggot with homophobia is in itself an act of massive faggotry which demonstrates an ignorance of your current environment.

    5. Same guy or not, you're just wasting time too. I don't care about your opinions. Why? Because I don't care about your opinions.

    6. An actual homosexual9 January 2015 at 19:04

      That's cool. I don't care about your opinions either.

    7. You don't? Sweet! We have so much in common! Let's be friends!

    8. An actual homosexual9 January 2015 at 19:24

      Let's not ruin the moment.

  20. 2015 is looking to be interesting. Doesn't seem like he'll really learn.

  21. This is from Derpibooru's owner, The Smiling Pony:

    "One of IDW’s writers, Ted Anderson, is known for hating the fandom and for being a rampant sexist and racist bigot.

    IDW, after initially saying he’d been let go, retracted and stated they found nothing wrong with his ideology.

    I own and run this site, and I’m happy to provide free advertisement for fandom artists, and as long as Hasbro is OK with the concept of "fanart", also for licensed products. IDW, on the other hand, has crossed a certain line. I am not going to openly advertise to unwitting masses a company that gleefully hires an openly sexist, racist, book-burning bigot.

    And in case you’re curious, Ted Anderson, and by extension IDW, thinks you are scum."

    "It’s not a jab. If a for-profit company like IDW wants a (very) non-profit site like ours to freely advertise their products (and these are advertisements, they’re all promotional images given to comic sellers), they can either stop hiring degenerate fascists, or pay us (a lot).

    They clearly don’t care much for the quality (personal or professional) of who they hire, and I haven’t received any cheques, so here we are."

  22. He doesn't represent the American left, though. We think he's a stupid fuck too. he's basically just a rightwing jackass who targets different people than most of them do.


  24. Looks like somebody deserves to get Shrek'd.

    1. Someone of his age and position should really fucking know by now to think before posting bullshit.
      But he is just too dedicated to being butt buddies with dragondumbass.

  25. Myself I'm a Centre-Right, but I think that shitheads will be shitheads no matter what their religion, ideology, opinion or anything else is.

  26. "So, you'll be updating your story, then?"

    Hah, that's cute Ted. No sense trying to save face with us; we already know you're absolute trash.

  27. That reminds me of a rather awesome scene in OOTS where one of the (otherwise) good guys, CE sociopathic bloodthirsty halfling ranger, was given an epiphany that in order to survive in the world of manslaughter shaming he merely has to *pretend* playing by the rules and *feign* character growth. Knowing the dude, this was as much character development as he could realistically get. So I'm happy for Ted.

  28. Ted, putain... ferme-la!

    ferme-la pour toujours!

  29. Ted, le cochon de merde.

  30. Why cant he just admit that he dislikes that kind of cartoon, people always feel a need to justify their feelings with outside reasons.
