Cringe Corner: Epic Rap Battles of Cartoons

Life is cruel
With only one other day left of 2014, we at Horse News thought we should leave another sour taste in your mouth with the final Cringe Corner of 2014. So whose in the hot seat this time? Today I'm actually looking at the cumulative efforts of several community members to force rip offs of a much better YouTube series, but involving cartoon horses. And trust me when I say that these performances won't be earning any one a record deal any time soon.

Meet NicePeter. While I probably don't have to explain what this crap is to most of you, NicePeter came up with an incredibly popular YouTube series called "Epic Rap Battles of History" a couple years back with the inaugural video entitled John Lennon vs Bill O'Reilly. Believe it or not, the success of the videos are actually warranted, some of the match ups being pretty damn funny and well made. Stephen Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock, Barrack Obama vs Mitt Romney, Dr. Seuss vs Shakespeare, Martin Luther King Jr. vs Gandhi, and many other match ups have amazing material, especially for amateur white people. 

Then there's the fan made content.

Hell here's a perfect example of the holy trinity of cringey. Cheap production values, terrible writing, and presented as an MLP/Sonic cross over. For whatever reason, the collective minds of users have flooded YouTube with parodies and different versions of the popular series involving a plethora of characters. Many of these rehashes even involve cartoon series, which ultimately leading to ponies. Exactly the type of material Horse News needs!

Seriously, just listen to the beginning of this. Do you really need to continue to listen to know what we're dealing with? White children should be banned from writing raps about cartoons and then posting their awkward product on the internet for the world to see. Material so bad they cause physical pain is often the fastest way to attract those "haters" that run so rampant for people who make crap these days.

It looks as if the holy autistic trinity can't be stopped, with the same artist having EVEN MORE Sonic and MLP crossovers. This time he took the heaviest crossover shipping ever conceived and had them battle each other. Which is actually very proactive, as opposed to making them have weird fetish sex or, worse, be made in to some slapstick comedy shtick.

Oh look, another cancer combo. This time it seems adventure met magic, with circa 2001 Newgrounds quality. Not only that, but it begs the question: Why UCF? I know it's a battle but why UCF? It sounds illegal and that could get us sued again. I can't say much else, it's as bad as you'd think. Although there's one thing I can commend the artist for doing, which is attempting to pander to my inner pervert with this little number.

Thanks, guy

Oh look, the most random shipping pair got a match up, too. Also this is a very special edition of Epic Rap Battles of Cartoons. There's an extra long intro to show how this one particular guy has been doing these videos for NEARLY A YEAR AND A HALF.

The actual video, like the entire collection, is spine curdling to say the least. You know when you're driving down the highway and see a car wreck and you're appalled by the severity of it, but your morbid curiosity forces you to gaze? Reviewing these is the same thing, disgusting yet addicting as a psychological puzzle to understand how people can make something so effective at making one give up on humanity.

Oh but let's not forget ponies also battle each other. There were a number of these, but the best I thought showcased what we're dealing with here is Twilight vs fucking Mare Do Well. That's right, the one shot superhero that didn't talk which really everyone of the main cast except Rainbow Dash, INCLUDING TWILIGHT. A character that was arguably involved in the worst episode of the entire series.

Not much to go in to, it's visually bad and bizarre. Just like Spitfire vs Rainbow Dash, the Flim Flam bros. vs the Apple Klan, Vinyl vs OctaviaZecora vs Chief Thunderhooves for whatever fucking reason, and Discord and Nightmare Moon, to name a few. I say visually because I can't even be mad about the audio, because it's the actual Epic Rap Battle tracks. Say what you want about the other videos I listed, but at the very least you can say they came up with something original. The creators of these particular videos didn't even make anything original. I mean at this point it just seems they're scrapping the bottom of the cum encrusted barrel for ideas now. No way can the concept for these videos get any more cringe worth-

-HOLY SHIT. They busted the holy trinity! They actually created a demonic quadrant. Awful production quality, awful writing, the most stereotypical MLP/Sonic crossover, and the basis isn't just the canon characters. It's based off of two different fanfictions. Not just fanfictions, but creepy pastas. Hell, not just good creepy pastas even, but Rainbow Factory and Sonic.EXE. A pair of the worst and not scary stories you could have picked. It was so bad I had to finish every source of Alcohol on hand, and I was saving it all for New Years. You fucking monster, shame on you for this.

Once again, there's nothing you can't find involving this fandom that won't make you question why humans are the dominant species, or why parents continue to allow the less mentally stable on the internet. If you're looking for weird and fun rap battles on the internet, stick to the original series or literally the other half of the videos on WorldStarHipHop that aren't black people fighting.

See this image above? That's me as a little girl. I finished all of these, one by one. Horse News doesn't pay me, I didn't need to do it. But I did. I did because my life is spiraling down a deep hole.

Comments (26)

  1. holy kek that last one. maximum cansur baws

  2. When you put Sonic and Dash together in one thing, you already fuck up.

  3. Sonic and rainbow dash. The autism has been doubled

  4. I love (some) of the Sonic games. I can even enjoy the cartoons on occasion. But fuck, the Sonic fandom makes even the cringeiest pony fans look badass.

  5. Thank you. Fucking finally. ERB is ripped off all the fucking time, especially in this fandom, and almost nobody can actually do it well. I think I've seen maybe one ERB fan series (I refuse to call them parodies, because adding ponies is not parody, and there's no point in parodying a comedy anyway) that seemed like it had any level of effort comparable to the actual ERB series put into it, and even that's got its awkward moments.

    Fuck, I remember seeing the Dash vs. Sonic one on Equestria Daily some time ago (yes, I read EqD, I'm a faggot, I know) and thinking it was the cringiest thing I've seen come out of the fandom that wasn't a fanfic. And if it wasn't THE worst, then I can't remember what took the actual top spot for me. The Sonic/MLP crossovers by AnimatedJames and BronyDanceParty's PMVs are the only things that spring to mind which even came close. That OC-centric fan episode was pretty bad too, but I never watched that the whole way through, so I couldn't comment. Oh, and there was some animated thing where Derpy was being bullied and had autism... Aside from that, I can't think of anything.

    1. We don't give a shit if you read EQD. We don't hate them like certain other lesser news programs.

    2. Well that's nice.

  6. At this point, if the brony fandom at large isn't as cringe inducing as both the Sonic and Furry fandoms, it sure as shit is on a speeding bullet train to that point, with no brakes.

    >inb4 ride never ends.

    1. It's almost 2015. Bronies being huge freaks has came and gone.


  7. This is why white kids shouldn't rap.

  8. Iron Will vs. Zecora is actually really good:

    1. If I recall there was one with MicTheMic as Big Mac that was also ridonkulous. It can be done well, but there's always going to be that loud majority.

    2. There was also a pretty good Celestia vs. Luna (vs. Twilight) one by EileMonty, and I vaguely recall a Discord vs. Chrysalis one by some different guys that had a pretty bad video but fairly decent lyrics and even a voice that actually kinda sounded like Discord (which is an accomplishment in itself, because de Lancie's voice is pretty hard to imitate for most people).

  9. Eh, I kind of liked yindash's videos. They at least had halfway decent editing, and the match ups sort of made sense with the characters used.

    Also, the Mare-Do-Well episode was hardly the worst episode.

  10. Eh. Never liked ERB to begin with, though I don't know whether that makes it no cringe (MLP/Sonic not counted) or double cringe for me

  11. I'd want ERB to make an official MLP VS GOTG/Avengers/any other superhero team
    If you want it too, go comment on their newest video maybe they'll notice us and do something about that

  12. k.
    instead of hating on a bunch of mediocre reception battles with cartoon pony characters, you could do something productive with your own life.

    1. True, they are really bad but just saying

    2. Also, sorry for that outburst.

  13. k. - Matthew (the creator of ERBOC)

  14. you're jut mad cause their using your fandom XD, fucking retarded bronies

  15. 'It looks as if the holy autistic trinity can't be stopped'
    You do realise that you're all literally fans of a show for 12 year old girls?

  16. Thank you for putting my battle on the page. I fucking hate myself for making that piece of shit lmfao.

    - Sonic.exe vs Rainbow Factory dude (i'm sorry)

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  18. Friend, this web site might be fabolous, i just like it. boom bap type beats
