Vermin Supreme drops new hit single

Starting to make his rounds for 2016, our wise leader Vermin Supreme has laid down something new for his people. In a bold move, Supreme has dropped a new hit single simply entitled "I have a pony"

Vermin Supreme can now add "Lyrical God" to his list of life achievements, because the new song I have a pony is a masterpiece of epic proportions. Luna, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, innuendos, great hooks, it's got all the elements you need for a great song. Supreme himself really delivers with glorious style. If this is the same style we can expect from the man in the White House, then I know the next schmuck I want to see put the black man in office out of work.

Vermin Supreme 2016.

To be honest, he'd be a better choice than 90% of the other politicians, so Horse News would like to help you make your decision. Clearly we have good taste.

Comments (5)

  1. Vermin Supreme is a national treasure.

  2. As they say on the El Chacal de la Trompeta bit on the TV show Sabado Gigante, I say this to Vermin Supreme.


  3. Omg this is priceless

  4. Vermin Supreme confirmed for clopper
