Brony Musician loses temper, mind, learns hard lesson about humility (UDPATES)

Tonight, Twitter bronies got to play audience to an absolute meltdown by an up-and-coming brony musician by the name of "Aoshi". The musician, who played a set at Trotcon this month, became infuriated at Ponyville Live for posting an unedited video of his performance at the convention (as was their duty). He began to accuse the group of "slander" and demanded the video to be taken down. It spiraled downward from there.

The exchange continued with Aoshi claiming that PVL was out to "sabotage" his "reputation".

Then he compared them to Everfree by calling them "Baby EFN".

Then he compared them to 4chan.

Dammit! Why won't it read!?

He admitted he didn't read what he signed, but went on to claim that the "humiliation" he felt was the fault of PVL.

Then he went the full monty and threatened legal action against the organization.

This did not go well for Aoshi as outsiders began to point out that the only person at fault here, was him.

Then, he noticed HN was watching. And realized he was being a total ass.

Whether these events are directly linked, we do not know. But we do know that he ACTUALLY APOLOGIZED for his ridiculous behavior and even offered to donate to PVL to compensate them for their lost time.

And he also didn't think we had these saved.
Did he properly atone for his actions? Do you think he finally learned the definition of "slander"? For the sake of our readers we will provide the dictionary definition of "slander" to you here.

Slander has to be both false as well as spoken. In print it's called "libel". Get it right.
Other musicians found the whole thing rather amusing.

UPDATE: A /mlp/ Auto-archiving bot had downloaded the video of Aoshi's set from the PVL youtube account before it was deleted. A user edited the footage and uploaded it. You can see it below.

Update: Stop Bullying Aoshi

Here is Trotcon's Recording/media policy

Comments (149)

  1. Someone reupload that video again lol

    1. yeah i wanna know what he's up in arms about, did he screw up or fall off the stage or something?


  2. I have only one question.

    Does he have a neckbeard?

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    2. nice, keep at it dude, it's hard but it's totally worth it when you hit your ideal weight. Also, remember shit happens and you just have to pick your self up, learn from your mistakes and keep going strong...Friendship is magic bro /)

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  3. It's really saddening to see musicians lose their cool like this. If anything, Aoshi's Twitter outburst will tarnish his reputation more than one con performance ever would.

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    2. Here's two more lessons:
      1) The Streisand Effect (look it up)
      2) Someone who tarnishes their own reputation with behavior like this cannot easily repair that reputation. Your past will always remind others that you could potentially blow up that way again, and thus others will be wary of associating with you.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. >I'm a nice guy
      >*tips le fedora*
      >self diagnosed mental illnesses

      Jesus, just stop posting dude.

    5. Protip 1: Claiming that you are a nice guy is not humble at all and is a sign of narcissism. If others start saying that this behavior was an isolated incident, then I'll think differently of you.

      Protip 2: Hating people that don't like you is a sign of immaturity. The real world is filled with people that don't like you (or others in general), and it is all about how you deal with such people that allows you to succeed in life.

    6. 3) People are far more likely to forgive mistakes with a heartfelt apology, but they're less likely to forget said mistakes if you don't have talent.

      Here's a bit of advice, Aoshi. If you want a future in this fandom: shut up, vanish, practice until you're actually good (surely there's at least one anonymous board that'll give you honest feedback), and then try a public performance again. Right now, if I was making the call on who's getting to play at a con concert, you wouldn't even make it past the first cut.

    7. @Aoshi, I respect you, really I do. I wouldn't call myself an active follower, but you're part of a musician circle I keep an eye on. So I will take your word for it when you say that most of your friends know you to be pretty nice. IIRC, I've even talked with you briefly a couple of times.

      But it doesn't matter if you're a god behind the boards or a noob, keeping cool even in situations like these is the character people are going to see and judge. Horse News even archived your performance (and I can guarantee you that others will keep video copies), which they almost certainly would not have done if you asked for its removal quietly rather than messaging PVL on such a public forum as Twitter about it.

      Please, Aoshi, above anything else, take to heart that professionalism is as much (perhaps even more) about behavior as it is about performance. Improvement of your craft is much easier to focus on than improvement of your self-discipline, but next time something like this happens, I hope you can not only stop yourself from saying things in the heat of the moment you later regret, but also move to stop others from doing the same.

      You've made your mistake. Either let it sting, or learn from it.

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    9. Wow, so Aoshi is literally this delusional. Just don't snap one day and go Elliot Rodgers on us at a con, bro.

      (this can't real, this is all just a ruse set up by HN, right?)

    10. There's a difference between confidence and arrogance. Also, you are not speaking from the opinions of others, since you did not previously name them, nor have you provided any evidence that they ever held those opinions. It is nothing but pure hearsay.

      Having 4 cons means nothing unless they include the major cons. Any half-baked brony musician can get a gig at a small-time con.

      By the way, having less than 3k subscribers on YouTube is nowhere near successful.

    11. You mean you had four conventions lined up. Let's see how many still want your "performance" after that showing at Trotcon.

    12. A little something for your gdoc: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool that to speak and remove all doubt."

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    14. Right now, I'd say the only person who's worthless to your dreams, your future, and your success is yourself. After your reaction here no one is going to want to associate themselves with you. Believe it or not, but you'd be shocked by who in the fandom reads (and comments) on HN.

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  4. silva's response oh my god

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    2. And all respect flies out of the window.

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  5. I've never heard of him before...

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    2. Despite sayings to the contrary, there is a such thing as bad publicity.

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  6. PROTIP: Accusing someone of slander without basis is defamatory itself, and threatening frivolous legal action is not legal and thus actionable.

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  7. I couldn't make it past 5 minutes in

    Are people really this delusional now that they think that shit is good? SGaP is spinning in his grave alongside Lauren Faust.

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    2. 5 minutes in, no music.
      10 minutes in, still no music.
      29 minutes in still no music.

      Just listened to 30 minutes of some guy trying to repair his sound system.
      I'd be pissed too if they uploaded the tech problems instead of the show.

  8. Welp, he fucked up. Best he can do is learn and move on.

    Here's to hoping he doesn't! :D

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    1. >damage control


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    4. First I thought maybe I should feel bad about making fun a talentless fat fuck like you..... then I realized you're just as ugly on the inside as your on the outside.

      Man up, hit the /fit/ sticky and stop shitposting here, bro.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. You're still a fat, beta manlet though

    7. A high paying job? What is it? Government disability checks don't count.
      Your own home? Section Four Housing doesn't count.
      Frisbee golf? That's only a hobby, and not a well-established one at that.
      EDM producers? Drop some names then.
      Awesome music? You don't know how to level your stuff correctly.

    8. What does your personal possessions, job, and the other things relate to your piss poor behavior surrounding this piss poor performance? They abso-fucking-lutely have nothing to do with this situation or that performance at Trotcon.

    9. They do relate. They show that he's just an entitled cunt. He's not lashing out due to getting screwed over success, but because he feels like he can do no wrong, and no one should oppose him.

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    12. My point is that there's no reason to mention your house, job, car, etc. unless you are trying to flaunt it. Also, if you think that the levels you use is fine just because it is "hard", you won't survive past the few followers you have. At least learn a bit about music production first.

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  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1. Slander is spoken word, not written (typed) word. What you are looking for is "libel".
      2. Making an accusation of defamation without any basis is itself defamatory. If there is a basis (e.g. the omitted tweets), then show it.
      3. Your skills as a musician is lackluster. The pitch is too high, as well as the resonance.

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    3. If you have a rebuttal, just say it. Silence implies that you have accept these statements.

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    5. " I wasn't really being serious to begin with."


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  11. One question: Did he try to play one song?

    1. There's only one song in the MLP music fandom anyways.

  12. >A /mlp/ Auto-archiving bot had downloaded the video
    Since when do we have an archiving bot?

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  13. Someone just discovered the Streisand Effect.

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    2. >how seriously do you guys take this horse fame
      Is that even a question? We have a very exclusive shirt for horse fame. It's a pretty big deal.

    3. ... Says the one who's horsefucking the ponyfame for all it's worth.

      dude, can you hear yourself? You're goddam high off the attention here, and you look like a moron.

      Seriously, accusing others of horsefame after you've been namedropping and all? "There goes my chance to collab with Silva... OH WAIT I ALREADY DID" nice humility bro

    4. pfff >how seriously do you guys take this horse fame
      apparently not as much as you threatening legal action for your "horse career" being jeopardized

    5. >My god, how seriously do you guys take this horse fame? It's a show about ponies.

      OP here. I didn't even mention your (total lack of) horse fame. The Streisand Effect applies no matter what level of dick you are. I'm not the one looking up comment threads about myself so I can make snarky remarks to them all.

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    7. >The Streisand Effect doesn't apply on Twitter.


      I hope other convention staff read what you've written here, so they can see your shitty attitude. You won't be performing at any event I'm involved in. (Hint: that's more than one.)

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  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    2. That's how this place works, you gotta talk tough to run with the big dogs.

    3. "Big Dogs" *Mild Chuckle

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  15. Wow some of you guys posting on here are really having me scratching my beard as to why I joined this fandom in the first place. Aoshi is an outstanding person that I had the opportunity to meet at Trotcon. He isn't any of the things being described hear, and does have anxiety issues. What happened during his set really hurt him, and PVL was TOLD SPECIFICALLY to ASK AOSHI before uploading his set. They never contacted him before uploading it.

    Maybe you guys should try getting the whole story on an issue before you knock them down.

    1. What was on the agreement Aoshi signed? He signed it, he can't complain.

      Also, no matter how nice he is, he's been a royal self-centered shit through all this.

    2. We're assuming you're a fan of diminutive equestrians. You're not one of those "fans" who's a fan of the fandom (and not the show) I hope?

      The rest of your message smells like astroturf for Aoshi. Based upon everything we've seen from Aoshi tonight, and his twitter messages on the header, I've got to call bullshit on "PVL was TOLD SPECIFICALLY to ASK AOSHI before uploading his set". If he didn't want his set uploaded, he had sufficient time to inform PVL himself about this versus some unstated third-party telling them not to. And even if PVL did receive notification, they had a signed contract from him stating that they could, and you're not stating who told them not to. This is a completely meaningless argument unless somebody official at Trotcon makes the statement they asked PVL to ask him before uploading.

      I also find it interesting that you're just now showing up to defend him when supposedly he signed off for the night 34 minutes before your post, and you're posting anonymously. Not saying you are Aoshi den, but I wouldn't be shocked to learn that you're him.

    3. First, meeting a person one time doesn't mean you know that person. Second it doesn't matter if PVL was told to ask him first, since he signed a contract allowing PVL to do it, and thus gave his consent. Maybe you should try getting the whole story on an issue before speaking.

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    5. So you're acting like an ass now when you're fully in control? Got it.

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    7. Here's a bit more advice for you to ignore and get livid over (though it'd be too late to act on this time). How you respond to your critics will determine how others see you. Honestly, you could've ended this smelling like roses and HN looking quite worst for it if you only acted like a professional instead of an entitled brat. Between your demeanor here, and the general threat of assault you made below, your possible future as a convention performer is growing rather dim. You've made yourself out as both a PR and security risk, and that's not something pony cons are going to want to deal with.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Trotcon is proving to be quite the pasta factory. Ponycon season is gonna be entertaining this year. Just look at the amounts of spaghetti that's been spilled already. Also, who the fuck is Aoshi and why does anyone care that his autism was too strong for the great stage? God damn #HorseFamous and your drama.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. >See drama on horse news
      >This ought to be good.
      >Random brony musician #91238749837 fucked up
      >Threatened shit on Twitter, demanding take down of video of his own performance
      >Apologized later
      >Check out video of said performance, skipped through parts because TL;DW
      >Every single part was electronic noise, akin to that of a high pitched saw set to a barely audible beat that sounded like it was coming out of headphones not inside your ear.
      >Figured, hey might be fair to just check out the original songs on Youtube how it was meant to be heard.
      >More of the same things.

      Christ, this is what they call music nowadays? If that's the case, then I don't care for it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I fucked up on stage once. I accepted it and laugh at myself for it. There's always next time.

    Also, that South Park reply is fucking golden.

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  18. Fuckin... can't believe that anyone would be upset like that. I've been performing for years. Fucking up is part of the game as a weekend warrior. I love seeing recordings. Due to streaming posts from as early as Bronycon summer 2012 I have been able to get better as a muscian.

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  19. And the big deal is?

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  20. Don't Even Ask2 July 2014 at 03:13

    @Aoshi den:
    People who decide to re upload things like this (Those who like to sadistically ruin other people's lives) should be banned from social media all together. Ruining someone's reputation is honestly fucked up. I hope you find a way to bring it back to you if your still suffering.

    I suggest staying away from the fandom. Tolerance doesn't exist in it anymore. Just move on with your own life, move everything away, try changing your identity. It's not really your fault either.
    If this isn't a big deal, then I guess you don't have to do all that for safe suggesting. lol

    Just a tip: It's possible to remove stuff for good off the Internet. I think I've seen it happened before. Sometimes people forget.
    I've also flagged the video for the user's wishes.. Not sure if the user wishes it but I've heard it wanted to be taken down.

    1. Ruin whose life? It was a bad performance that nobody would've cared about if the performer didn't act like an dick afterwards. Aoshi handled the situation poorly, and found out that we won't tolerate litigious assholes in our community.

      Everyone who publicly performs has rotten shows on occasion, and most of us are less than enthused about our initial production. Aoshi needs to work on his showmanship and stage presence, fact. Multiple posters pointed this out, some have given him good advice, and he tosses it back in their face. After seeing his performance, I wonder how much actual practice and analysis he did for his show? Here's a tip for everyone considering doing anything like this: get a video camera and record yourself practicing as you intend to present; then analyze the hell out of that video. Find out what you need to work on, then iron it out, tweak it, improve it. Don't think that you're a special snowflake who's going to be able to rock the audience without effort. If it looks easy from the audience, it's because we've spent the time practicing to make it seem natural.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Aoshi, seriously, just stop. Trying to explain away your behaviour, trying to brush it off and act unfazed, trying to turn it around and make out like it's the anons calling you out who are the real faggots, none of it is helping you. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by continuing to comment here, no matter what you say. If you really care about saving face and protecting your rep, then stop fucking digging and start climbing out of this goddamn crater you've made.

    4. @Anonymous
      Just shut the fuck up. The guy may have made a mistake but your need to shame and ruin another person's time is honestly not serving any value. You are making things more fucked up then there is now.

      From what it looks like, THANKS TO ALL THIS "SHAMING", it's gotten worse. If Horse shit didn't upload the video, then it would of been lower. Some people on here are fucking disgusting on here.
      They should be judge for what they keep doing.

      Anyway Aoshi, if you believe it's a mistake, I've understand. If it's serious to you, I could always somehow help I think. ;)

    5. Wwwarea, can I just say that I sincerely hope you and Aoshi become the best of friends? Really, I mean it. I think you two deserve each other, and I think the two of you together would make something truly beautiful.

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    8. I don't think any of us would want to get to know you after your behavior here. In fact, I hope we never meet.

    9. @Aoshi:
      Cool! I did flag that video twice though.
      You and I (I mean some people around us) kind of further proved that the tolerance in the fandom is pretty much foggy and sort of "hidden". Maybe it will get restored one day maybe.

      This "news" site not only promotes discriminating, and hatred, but even promotes hatred against or just "of" "disabilities".. which is against Google's policy I think. :/

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  21. I'm just skimming through the comments here and on the youtube video since I have to leave in 5 minutes, but it's hard to tell whether Aoshi is actually taking things in stride or if he's just being a huge assmad dipshit because he seems to switch between "I've learned so much from my mistakes" and "fuck all you faggots, can't take what you dish out" at the drop of a hat.

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  22. I can't wait for Aoshi's next performance. I wonder who he will blame next?

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  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. >now this is what I call trolling
      >goes out of his way to troll every comment on this post and every negative comment on YouTube

      I think you've got things a little bit backwards here on who is harassing who here, sir. :^)

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    5. >Do you know how many people I hurt in this? How many innocent lives I heartlessly destroyed?

      Just one, and his name is Aoshi den. You have no idea who reads, and comments, here on HN.

    6. I think most of us have gotten to the point where we don't need to call you names any more because any comment here will get a hilarious response out of you. Honestly at this point I'm just giving you a way out to just stop replying (which you can't)

      Face it, the only reason you're here is because you enjoy attention and before this no one knew who you are or what you did; that still won't change after this. We'll move on, and you'll still the same sad individual who places his entire self worth in being a horrible human being. :^)

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  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I've never heard of Aoshi, so I just listened to the last 20 seconds of the video and assumed it was representative of all his work.

    0/10, would not pirate

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  26. Some say it's a bad idea to keep commenting; because of the lack of responsibility people hold's about harassing further.

    However, that doesn't mean not commenting is the only answer because people can choose and it's really cool to see people never give up.

    -learned from history

  27. Is that buttmad musician still taking the bait? Jesus I worry about how autistic we can go before the fandom engulfs itself.

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  30. Stopping making that shit up. I looked it up and that event never happened.

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  32. Since you have explicitly told me to do a whois search, you have given consent for the following information to be posted publicily:

    Remington Clayton
    83 W 300 N
    American Fork, UT 84003
    (801) 836-9926

  33. It's not the first time that a brony musician has made up a sympathy story, though at least you're not asking for donations for it, so I'll give you that much.

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  37. Replies
    1. HN sure knows how to pick its champions.

  38. I'm sorry to say, Aoshi, but you are not a pony/horsefucker. A horsefucker, in regards to his/herself, knows how to see his/her own faults, regardless of how idiotic, and knows how to deal with the fallout. In essence, a horsefucker knows how to convert criticism into future improvements, and knows how to laugh at his/herself along with others.

    You, unfortunately, are an utter child that demands others take blame for HIS mistakes, who in a pathetically weak attempt tries to pull a 'haha, i was only pretending to be an ass' scenario and flop it into a wonderfully laughable charity. No amount of money will save your surprisingly bland music from a set fate. Trying to protect generic compositions that lead to no future beyond a dying fandom is like retching with all your might onto a cotton shirt and showing it to a group of people nearby. Of course there will be individuals that want to see what you have, but in time the bile will ooze through and everyone will see how detestable a person you really are.

  39. And in case you believe I'm trying to hide behind the anonymous mask...
    My device is odd for auto switching to anonymous. Old 2nd gen stuff's funny that way

  40. >this comment has been removed by the author
    >all this damage control

  41. Holy fuck this guy is a loser.
