Friendship is Recapped - Equestria Games.

Our friend Catie is at it again, with another "Friendship is Recapped" of today's episode (which was voted one of the worst of the season on Poniflix). Also there's some other pony videos of her's below.

Also: Brief HN Opinion Time:

Leading theories about why today's episode was so disliked is due to its unprecedented amount of lead-up (dating back to last season even), as well as the fact that people became aware that they may never see Mrs. Harshwhinny again. Other criticisms include the fact that the ponies were clearly prejudiced against the Zebras and the Buffalo, who were not invited to participate in the Equestria games, alongside the Ponies, Griffons, and the Saddle Arabian horses. Whether it deserves its designation as 21 out of 24 episodes so far, is highly debatable however. The episode DID feature nearly every pony character in the crowd, including some new faces such as Bulk Biceps mother, and those who have not been seen for ages, such as Gilda the Griffon (now being shipped with Gustav), and Octavia made it as well.

Comments (10)

  1. Is there any reason why one cannot access poniflix outside of specific times?

    1. Yes. Money.
      Poniflix's admin does not actually like ponies any more and doesn't feel like paying to keep an Amazon EC2 instance running for a webserver that nobody gives a fuck about outside of episode times. Poniflix will likely close down after S4 because the admin got off the ride.

  2. so is capper fucking boxxy or what?

    1. I'm guessing at least a handi?

    2. Logically Boxxy's review series would be the only reviews that HN would post, as they are created by a notorious 4channer, and any review show that becomes more popular than Digibrony's or any of EFNs is considered a victory.

    3. CapperGeneral confirmed for cross-board fucker

      Someone tell /b/

  3. Does anyone else think it's weird that Discovery Networks (who operates Revision3) is paying her money to do this? This is literally _for 4chan_.

    It's like the Ouroboros.

  4. And in case anyone isn't following at home, Discovery Networks is the Hub. So... think about that, but not too hard. Your brain will hurt.

  5. She is very pretty...
