The following post is an opinion piece regarding events within the FIMfiction community. The post does not reflect the general opinions of HN, as Chelis is the only writer who uses that site in the first place, the rest of us couldn't give 2 shits about IT or THIS.
Take one mediocre writer with an ego the size of Final Draft and the Douchebaggery of Osaka Jack, add in some blank characters that have FIM characters in name only, and sprinkle in some of the author's /r9k/ tendencies and what do you get?
Sweet, unadulterated drama.
More after the break!
Who the fuck is Mythril Moth, you ask?
Outside Fimfiction, it's just another unoriginal username. If you have been in fimfiction you would know his reputation of... well he is a douchebag.
That still doesn't tell us who he is
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Since joining the fandom to increase his "striaght from geocities" website views, Mythril Moth has been a thorn to the side of Fimfiction, to quote one anonymous writer
He was even forced to step down from a major group because of his attitude.
Recently, he released another
It soon found itself on a group called Rage Reviews, here is excerpts of the original review
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Needless to say, many came out of the woodwork to call Moth out, releasing a few years of frustration about the guy
The dislike for Moth spilled out into the comments section of the story itself, which turned into this heated exchange.
Even a Fimfiction moderatior, under the name of "Obselescence" chimed in with his own critcisms
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And in the end, Moth learned nothing, and will continue his full man-childness.
So that happened, good news for MythMoth was that a not so anonymous writer wrote "All of Mythril Moth's featurebait sunset shimmer stories in a nutshell" so at least he brought inspiration to people!.
Although it was given a negative review in Rage Reviews, one group praised the story, calling it "A requirement to read for nice guys and they girls they go after."
Update: I guess we "won"? Didn't even know this was a game. Do I get a participation medal?
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RIP in peach |
I'm on Fimfiction often, but I had no idea who that guy is. I read his name a couple of times, that's it. Guess I'm lucky enough to avoid drama.
ReplyDeleteSame. Never heard of him before this article.
Deletewow its almost like chelis only writes articles about internet nobodies who hurt his fee fees
DeleteHis ability to handle criticism is going even further downhill:
ReplyDeletewell aren't you just better than everyone else
Delete>tasteless and stupid sex story gets featured
ReplyDelete>author can't handle people not liking his shit
>author is also a weirdo deviant
So... a typical day for FIMfic.
Their featured system has been broken for a while now seeing as I recall this kind of thing happening a few times before... unless it's just knighty trolling his users that have mature stories turned on.
Meh ive read worse. Plus the school I live near is pretty much like that. Think a coworker said that its one of the highest pregnancy rates in the state and that the girls think it's ok to (and try) have sex with many guys as possible after the first date or so and don't care if they get pregnant. Hell, even a teacher I had in college tried to get some after school programs going but the Mayor should up to the meeting drunk.
ReplyDeleteHas Chelis gone full SJW? This article would be more at home on Round Stable or some other hugbox. I'd say this is one of the worst articles on HN, but then again I think I'm being magnanimous because I can't actually remember an article as out of place as this one.
ReplyDeleteThis is not some sperglord going full retard - he's just some guy defending his fetish or whatever the fuck this is supposed to be. Reading his arguments he's not being openly hostile as much as dismissive which can be expected of someone who doesn't care if people don't like his fap fuel. If this guy is so bad where is the articles attacking Wootmaster's Tracy Cage or the Flutterrape and abused waifu generals on /mlp/? I mean, for fuck's sake, what about Fall of Equestria? Why does this guy I've never heard of have an article before SmudgeProof? I'm not saying any of the former actually deserve this site's attention, but this guy certainly doesn't.
This guy isn't even Encyclopedia Dramatica worthy so it begs the question - has Chelis lost it or is this article a personal vendetta?
>fails to see that one of the story tags is "this one is for my sunny bunny you pathetic fuck"
DeleteIs that supposed to mean something?
DeleteSo, personal vendetta?
DeleteHave I gone full SJW? Well depends on who you ask. Either its I, who wrote the article in a angle that was one of the bigger criticisms of the story, or was it Mythril Moth, who wrote the story because "clop authors should have their characters wear condoms, because in real life you get pregnancy scares"
DeleteWhy does he deserve the negative attention, even though, there are worse things out there? Well, I can answer that and the question of "Do I have a vendetta against the guy"? The answer is yes, I do have a vandetta against mythril moth, a majority of writers who have been in the game for a while dislike him, I guess my biggest shortcoming in this article is not paniting a clearer picture of how insufferable Moth is, but that would require hours upon hours of digging through any random story to see his smug remarks on how the authors story was shit, because Moth believes that every writer is inferior to him and he is not afraid to show it. A majority of fimfiction was waiting for this moment, when he finally dun goofed and we took advantage of it, to let him know.
Basically the fimfic equivalent of everfree vs. the rest of horse media.
Then there's the fact he was using sunset shimmer (waifu) a lot lately in his shit story. So theres that.
tl;dr: I'm no social justice warrior, we (fimfic authors) have had it with his shit and finally saw a chance to put him in his place
So, basically venting. Unless you think that he sees the error of his ways, but surely you not so naive. I'm just glad that I never had anything to do with him and hope that I never will.
DeleteSo Chelis, some guy trolled you pathetic FiMfiction "writers" into actually giving him free press by writing retarded pieces like this? Well, bravo to him! Can't you see? It is you who is full of himself. A normal person would simply ignore Moth and his stupid remarks, letting him fall into the oblivion. But, no, you had to open your mouth, because "a guy I don't like is saying things". I am sorry, Chelis, but you have a severe case of SWJs.
Delete>Still believing that bad articles give good publicity
DeleteI got some bad news for you, Anon.
So I was right - it's a hit piece by someone acting like a SJW trying to summon a personal army. Instead of coming off as someone criticizing some beta who can't deal with criticism well (Which still wouldn't warrant an article unless he went all Mando) you come off as some sort of pussy mad about >rape which screams irony coming from a nor/mlp/erson. There is really no difference between this article and SJW tumblrs dedicated to "exposing the horribleness of bronies".
DeleteCongrats, all you really managed to do was make yourself look petty.
Wicked, are you literally retarded?
DeleteYep. There are a million other horse things to bitch about that are way worse than MythrilMoth. Next thing I know someone's going to write a story that misgenders someone and it'll be reported here before Round Stable. At least Mythril can write decent Equestria Girls fics. His use of Shining Armor in the story was simply for a last-paragraph "gotcha." If you read more than that into the story he wrote, you're taking this Pony shit way too seriously and should go back to Tumblr.
Delete>At least Mythril can write decent Equestria Girls fics.
DeleteAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. Mythril is a shit-tier writer. Every story of his I've ever read has been garbage. No exceptions.
>There is really no difference between this article and SJW tumblrs dedicated to "exposing the horribleness of bronies".
I'd argue that there is. Tumblr invents things to get mad about. Their complaints are fiction. Chelis may be a faggot, but he was right, and Mythril's scummy behaviour is real: Shining Armor in that story really was actually committing sexual assault, and Mythril really was trying to justify it as a totally normal thing. Whether you think rape culture is a load of shit or not, you must at least agree that feeling up a girl without her consent is a fucked up thing to do.
>Congrats, all you really managed to do was make yourself look petty.
Deletehave you read his other articles though? 90% of them are chelis "calling out" people he dislikes online
this isn't exactly new, it's pretty much all he knows how to write
Stop triggering me.
ReplyDeleteWhy are most of those forum posters furries? I'm just asking.
ReplyDeleteHuh, didn't notice that.
Honestly, can we not spread this any further? It's bad as it is already.
With our luck, say hello to the new FiMFiction drama...
DeleteDammit, it's supposed to be done an dealt with...
Someday I'll get an article about me, criticizing the never-ending spamming of King of the Hill that I do.
ReplyDeleteOh well. Shame MythrilMoth hates KOTH. Reminds me of my anti-King of the Hill acquaintances, AKA my fourth grader classmates...
But King of the hill is the best show ever
DeleteTell that to my fourth grade classmates and people I angered in FiMFiction.Net.
DeleteThis is so indescribably dumb. I'm imagining a TMZ-style Skype call where H-N plans stories. Chelis pitches this one, and everyone says, "Yeah, that sounds great," while secretly laughing at him. Really. A hit piece because someone you don't like wrote about your waifu? Shit.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what happened
Deleteb-b-but Bronies are the real faggots, not us cool nor/mlp/eople! ha ha, right guys? I only ironically clop to thoughts of sunset shimmer's horse pussy!! guys??? come laugh at this meanie who wrote my waifu doing bad things!
DeleteYou're expecting more from the "reporter" who's only real contributions to H-N usually involve harrassing little girls and gay dudes on tumblr?
ReplyDelete"You're expecting more from the "reporter" who's only real contributions to H-N usually involve harrassing little girls and gay dudes on tumblr?"
ReplyDeleteHi Dragondicks
This is the worst article I've ever read on horse news.
ReplyDeleteIt's worse than any article I've ever read on any of the sites horse news was founded to satirize.
This is transsexual furry grade bitchiness.
"RIP in peach"
ReplyDeleteThat reference is bad and you should feel bad for using it. That reference is stale and moldy. Never use that again.
Shit, this guy writes a story SJWs would actually have a good case against, but people take the opportunity instead to personally attack Chelis. You've all come to know the SJWs too well, you're adopting their tactics.
ReplyDeleteNuh uh! Chelis is just a big ol' SJW because I guess there's something digusting about "molesting girls" or whatever! Oh, and being a passive-aggressive slimeball apparently makes you a bad person too! Alert the lynch mobs! Can't grab a casual acquaintance's tits and talk down to people without the unethical SJWs writing hit pieces about you!
DeleteWelcome to Obama's America, everypony.
Agreed. I think everyone's so wary of SJW infiltration right now that they pounce on anything that could be a sign of it, even if it's just showing some basic human decency (albeit coming from Chelis, who is still a faggot for other reasons). At this point, I could probably get called out as an SJW for saying that I think it's a bad thing molest unconscious women.
DeleteExcept in this case it isn't "look at this bad person" but "this person is more popular than me, and I think he's a bad writer! also he wrote my waifu doing bad things and that makes my pee-pee feel bad!!!"
DeletePeople are better at picking out faggotry than you think.
Did I say that Chelis wasn't a faggot? No I did not. In fact, I called him a faggot myself. The fact that Chelis wrote this article because he has personal shit with MythrilMoth would be those "other reasons" I mentioned. I just think that accusing him of being an SJW is fucking stupid, because there's nothing SJW about calling out MythrilMoth for having a fucked up attitude. I was read the story, and I can personally attest that Chelis was not exaggerating or being sensationalist with the article title.
DeleteYou get participation sex! Good job, sport! *unzips vagina*
ReplyDeleteChelis' articles are guaranteed beacons for shitposting comments these days I see.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm clearly disappointed about it.... I was hoping forbane posting, that's where it's at
DeleteChelis, I would like to thank you for opening this window to give us a glimpse of just how retarded the entirety of FiMFiction community actually is.
ReplyDeleteAh, the smell of sweet MRA neckbearded faggots...
ReplyDelete>This one's for my sunny bunny you pathetic fuck
@Anon1 While "rape culture" may be utter bullshit in every way, I'm going to steal a quote from your own post and tell you that it also has roots in a real thing and was also not just invented one day. Tumblr's misguided crusading is a corruption of a real social issue. Men who randomly feel up women without consent ARE scumbags and that shit really isn't cool, and any decent human being should not be okay with that kind of behaviour being portrayed as totally normal and excusable. Because that actually can potentially lead to real sexual assaults if people get it in their heads from stories like MythrilMoth's that this is okay to do.
ReplyDeleteI will side against the feminists and Tumblrites on 99% of all issues, anon, but this is the one time I won't. This is a pretty clear-cut right and wrong scenario.
>Take one mediocre writer with an ego the size of Final Draft and the Douchebaggery of Osaka Jack, add in some blank characters that have FIM characters in name only, and sprinkle in some of the author's /r9k/ tendencies and what do you get?
This is the best comment in the thread..
DeleteSeems like it.
Delete>You're expecting more from the "reporter" who's only real contributions to H-N usually involve harrassing little girls and gay dudes on tumblr?
ReplyDeleteit's like people expect chelis not to write articles about his hateboner of the week...
why the fuck does chelis even write for HN anymore it's pretty clear he doesn't know how
ReplyDelete>That "Girls like guys who treat them like shit" thing didn't just pop into some writer's head sometime in the past 50 years, it is rooted in reality.
ReplyDeleteExcept that aspect of characterization has zero foundation in the characters MythrilMoth wrote about. So it doesn't matter how realistic the idea is when it's an idea that just doesn't work with the characters.
@anon 5
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that there is literally 0 quantifiable evidence that suggests there is a connection between the the act and some dude writing fimfiction right? There is no evidence that connects the two, and you just come off sounding like the same people who spout the nonsensical "video games cause violence" rhetoric ad infinitinum because it makes you feel better. There is no coloration, and you implying one just gives the appearance of the pseudo-intiluectual neckbeard attempting maturity.
I don't believe in direct correlation between media and crime either. That was me being an idiot and not checking what I'd wrote before posting. What I do believe is that assholes do asshole things when they think that asshole things are okay to do. I believe that not calling out asshole behaviour implicitly encourages it. And I believe that actively trying to excuse asshole behaviour is explicitly encouraging it.
ReplyDeleteYou're right. A shitty fanfic won't ever cause an actual sexual assault. But do you know what could? People. People like Mythril, who do what Mythril did and make excuses for asshole behaviour because they're so severely autistic that it's stunted their empathy. Sure, in this case, Mythril is making excuses for a fictional asshole. But those are still his real opinions, so if he knows anybody in real life like how Shining Armor was in that fic, then he is doing real damage.
I don't give a shit about the accusations so much as the lack of journalistic integrity involved in deleting something because someone on HN got their feelings hurt, especially as a newssite associated with a site/board that usually reviles in rolling around in their own shit. What makes this whole situation all the more ironic is that article it was brought up in and who it was talking about. This is an article blasting a writer for, among being an overall shitlord, seeing no problem with rape in a fictionalized world with fictionalized characters (because one of the featured characters is Chelis' waifu), and Chelis has a reputation for slinging baseless accusations around to further villify people.
ReplyDeleteBut if you wanna get on the topic discussed, and promptly deleted. There was an incident with a missing Rarity cosplayer at Babscon last year, which he did attend, which is likely where the story stemmed from, and was misattrtributed to Bronycon. However, I don't even think they really knew each other, or the person who wrote the original comment assumed Rarity cosplayer = Strumpet (who Chelis was seen with/did an interview with in her Rarity cosplay, and does know) and, like the actual incident involving sexual assault at Babscon, was more speculation and half truths than what actually happened.
Mostly right. The issue isn't actually that Mythril sees no problem with sexual assault in a fictionalised world. It's that he sees no problem with it in real life. Had he written exactly the same story except making clear that he doesn't actually condone that sort of shit IRL, there wouldn't have been any problem, least as far as I'm concerned. The real reason that people are raging at the guy is because he tried to defend the sexual assault his character committed by saying it happens all the time IRL and that it's no big deal because some girls are fine with it.
DeleteThere also wasn't any actual outright rape in the story. Just unwanted groping.
But it was his waifu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1
DeleteITT: One faggot samefagging his hate over Chelis
ReplyDeleteNice damage control, Chelis.
DeleteNice try, Final Draft.
Delete>hysterical moral crusading SJW hugboxing horseshit
ReplyDeleteOh, give me a break. SJW is becoming another of those terms that's rapidly losing all fucking meaning because of faggots like you. You're accusing Chelis of being an SJW? Chelis? The guy most known on this site for a series of articles (just as terrible as this one) about mocking Tumblr?
Moral crusading had absolutely fucking nothing to do with why this article was written. This was written because of Chelis's ego. He had personal shit with MythrilMoth and this was about him getting petty revenge. The "sexual politics", as I guess you'd call it, are in the article because they're a convenient wad of shit to sling at Mythril. They're also a legitimate reason to hate Mythril. And I do hate Mythril. He's a cunt. This article is indeed shit, but it's shit because Chelis is a shit writer who wrote it to fulfill a vendetta, not because he had the audacity to point out that making excuses for people groping women makes someone an asshole.
Because it DOES make someone an asshole, and the fact that you have a problem with people even pointing that out tells me that you've been obsessing over Tumblr for too long, because you're imagining SJWs everywhere, and you're trying too hard to not be one by acting like the biggest asshole you can possibly be instead. You've been fighting jews for so long that you've entirely forgotten how bad the Nazis were.
Well I I as looking for an unbiased account of what happened, but I found this crap. When you write an article take care to report the facts, and keep your own VERY obviously biased to yourself. We get that for some reason you have a personal grudge vs moth, be professional and keep it out of your work.
ReplyDeleteHis story wasn't great, it really wasn't. I just don't get why people get so worked up over a work of fiction by some guy in his spare time. Like don't like it downvote and move on. Don't like him? Ignore and move on don't give him attention.
True that.
DeleteAwesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work! נערות ליווי בנתניה