Nightmare Night Travel Tips - discount travel, alcohol, health concerns

The convention that is going to kick off our 7-week back-to-back con coverage schedule is now just one week away, and therefore it's time to book, or get off the site. There have been numerous concerns about the con and logistical issues that have been addressed, particularly those involving transportation, alcohol, and ebola.

First item of note is discount codes that will come in handy that you may not be aware of.
If you have not yet registered for your badge, you can do so here and use the discount code IWTCIRD10 to receive 10% off. That's like 4 bucks, the equivalent of a drink at the hotel bar - so have a drink on us!

If you have not yet booked transportation to and from the airport; use SuperShuttle. You can ride-share to and from the hotel, and when you book use code UYR59 to get $3 off your ride each way - so save another $6.

Now if you're getting your "news" from here, chances are you like to have some convention with your alcohol, and will need to know where to find it. We have here a map with all the liquor stores in the immediate area of the convention, which is denoted with a red dot. We are told the best place for fluids is SPEC'S in the top-right corner so keep that in mind. However if you lack the transportation to make a 2-mile round-trip to Specs, it appears there is a "Hasty Liquor Store" about a half-mile walking distance from the con.

Also of-note is the fact that the 4chan Cup will be taking place on Saturday during the convention, around Noon on local time. Although the con can't set up a viewing room for the /mlp/ match considering the filthy language that will be pouring from the stream, a group of nor/mlp/eople will be gathering to watch the match. Stay tuned for details on time and location.

Some people, like this guy here, have expressed their fears about the prospect of an Ebola outbreak at Nightmare Nights. In response to this, NMND has released this statement that many people have either not seen or have outright ignored.

In an update from this, to address health concerns, Nightmare Nights has cancelled the "West African Blood Orgy" panel, as well as the "Medical Waste Dunk Tank" and the long awaited "Fecal Facepainting" room for the kids. While the absence of these events may be a disappointment to many, they have virtually eliminated the potential for an ebola outbreak at the convention.

7 days and counting.

Comments (24)

  1. SPECs is a damn fine liqueur store and probably the easiest one to get to. And don't want to get your own. The Londoneer up the street is a traditional as fuck pub.

    1. I second the recommendation on SPEC's. It's like an alcoholic's Disneyworld. As for Ebola? The 2014 outbreak has killed 4500 people, mostly in Africa. The flu is responsible for about 30,000 deaths in the US every year, so get your flu shot before the con. And don't make out with any hot, vomiting furries.

    2. > don't make out with any hot, vomiting furries.

      So if it's just one or the other, I'm safe?

    3. Let's make it simple, don't make out with any furries. Why would you want to press lips to, or caress, an artificial fur costume in the first place?

      Unless you find furries too hot not to make out with, in which case, go ahead and make out with vomiting furries.

  2. This is why we comp your media badges, right here.

  3. Hope ya'll in Texas like Ebola.

    Thanks Obama


      wow, man. I bet you worked really hard on that one.

  4. I could have really used this map last year!

    Pro Tip: Liquor stores are closed all Sunday in Texas (beer and wine still sold in stores). And on other days they close at 9pm. Bars and such can stay open until at least midnight. So plan accordingly and responsibly.

    1. Bars are open until 2 AM, but last call is at 1 AM.

  5. i was going to go, but the fact that the hotel itself seemed so out of ways from the closest airport (that wasn't for small/private planes) was kind of a joke, especially when going to and from required a cab.

    That, and being almost sexually assaulted at a certain con earlier this summer put a damper on my con season. :D

    1. Love Field is literally down the road from the hotel, Virgin, Delta, and Southwest all fly in there. Ya dun goofed anon.

    2. well, if you'd read anything, it costs $20 to catch a shuttle from the airport to the hotel. Either major airport.

      I assume, of course, that you're too narfled in self-absorbment to try and find if another fan were going up there and catch a ride with them.

    3. And DFW Airport is 15 minutes away. $9 shuttle ride.

  6. I hope ebola-chan visits Nightmare Night Dallas Con. Good luck ebola-chan. I love you ebola-chan. Thank you ebola-chan. P.S. There is no cure for love.

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