Friendship is Recapped: Season Finale Edition

Today's episode marks the end of the season, and as such the last installment for many review shows out there. Maybe not this one though, as our friend Catie explains at the end of the second video below the break. Always fun to watch her wrestle with her well-documented prejudices against Twilight Sparkle as a character. So yeah, Friendship is recapped.

Have a couple select moments from today's stickied thread, the last one of the season.

Comments (11)

  1. Seriously, Cap- are you two a "thing?"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Change is bad."

    -Anon 2014

    1. Yes, change for the worse is bad.

    2. I'll direct you to the other anon lower down. The Faustfag in the screencap is wilfully ignoring anything good that came out of season four.

  4. So, are Horse News planning to cover the #SAVETREE faggotry that's going on right now?

  5. That last screencap.

    Faustfag tears are sure delicious.

  6. Mmmm that last that screencap.

    > forgetting the slice of life goodness season 4 still brought
    > not realizing all of the things the finale addressed that so many anons (rightly) criticized early in the season
    > not realizing that any problem with destiny comes from Faust herself, in the very first episode

    And yeah, it is entertaining to watch Catie wrestle with her dislike of best hors- I mean, Twilight.

    1. Can I get an AMEN, brother?

  7. That last screencap.

    >No one cared about over-analyzing or wondered what the next "big thing" will be

    People over-analyzed the FUCK out of the show during S1 and S1/S2 hiatus. Maybe not on 4chan, but elsewhere I remember threads about bit/dollar conversation rates, determining the ages of the ponies, and just what "Eternal Night" meant for Equestria. It got fairly ridiculous. These are just a fraction of what I remember.

    People also wondered where the show was going to go now that Faust had left. We loved talking about Nightmare Moon and what she meant. You had an huge dragons, an Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. Equestria was a dangerous place. Anon must have missed all the artwork and stories conjecturing what kind of awful baddies there were out in Equestria. People wondered the FUCK out of "what was next".

    Also, speaking as a very old of MLP since the 80s, I LOVE what they've been doing with the show. I never would have imagined anything like this five years ago. Not with ponies.
