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Are the bodies cold yet? |
Screencap after screencap after screencap after the break!
When we last reported on this, the pushback from the fandom over this was huge, from common fandom goers to musicians, artists, and content producers telling the Crebers that their skype shit was wack.
As with any drama surrounding the show staff, the former EFN staff come out of the woodwork to lick the boot of the people who work on the show to get their favorites and retweets like how a dog does tricks for their master for affection.

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This is why no one like you Bög's |
Also here is a thought that has been with me for a while. You see the EFN staff still wear their old shirts like this.
Under a certain light, would it be a lesser comparison to this?
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Just say'n |
As much as I and HN and /mlp/ love to rag on EFN, there are some in that group that actually have a brian who are not snakes who would backstab their mother for horsefame. take DJ Midli for example, backing up his/her/xi A/V team
You know what is the true definition of Humble? It is to tell people their opinions don't matter unless they are friends of yours.
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"Humble" |
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"No, the circle won't be broken. By and by, Lord, by and by." |
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"I am better than some lowly youtubers, because I'm humble." |
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"I've never gotten someone fired from a con before, but I just made the call to do it now, you insolent whelp!" |
You know, this drama was pretty interesting when it started but it turned into the most pathetic set of lie flinging imaginable from one side and naivety about the nature of anon posters on the other that makes me embarrassed to have engaged with in the first place. Did kind of want a response to what I posted but I guess it wasn't as interesting as the stupid blatant lies being chucked around. I love a good bit of drama but let's keep it truthful.
ReplyDeleteWait... Sibsy LEFT? I didn;t know that. Shame.
DeleteWhat's she on about with Karma?
And what's that all about 'the EFN staff guy passing blame off to others'? Someone care to fill me in?
Sibsy's last season of working on pony is seemingly the 6th.
DeleteThe karma thing is because she doesn't really like the Creber's business ethics, or lack thereof, and when they get what's coming to them, she's expressing thanks that she has oversight not to stoop to their level.
The "the EFN staff guy passing blame off to others" thing is old drama from 2013, when it was leaked that Everfree Network had a contract with Bronycon to stream the convention, for the price tag of roughly $9,000 USD. A number so high, and so unnecessary for the job, it was the butt of jokes for a long time. At the time, the only media network that were streaming conventions was EFN, and all others who tried to get into the business were either ignored or placed into minor, replaceable roles.
While Silver Eagle (PVL) was at one time with EFN, he left early on due to disgust of how EFN handled themselves as a company. Nash, who for all intents and purposes still a part of EFN, tried to blame the $9,000 dollar contract on Silver Eagle, who by that time was already with PVL and thereby had nothing to do with it at all. It was originally a thing between Bronycon and EFN, but soon made its way to other conventions.
But doesn't she stoop on their level by mocking the Crebers?
DeleteMuller she only looked into the abyss, she hardly came close to their level.
DeleteSo, whoever isn't on your side of opinion is an asskisser? Great. What to expect about a Gossip Pony Celebrity Drama news-blog anyway. :D
ReplyDeleteSomeoen give me a link to the post Monique makes abouve about buck and Laserpon3.
DeleteAlso poopie scoobie.
Let's post this up here fast and furiously to let Gryph0n and the Creber-crew to see.
ReplyDeleteDON'T POST HERE. You're making it worse.
That is all.
To be fair I never even bought that shirt haha. I feel for Silva though, Gabe did pretty much disconnect from the "musician's side of the fandom" long ago when he first started hanging out with the Creber's. He had this vibe of that he was in the fandom, but it was next to impossible to talk to him unless you ran into him in person at a convention. In all honesty both sides here are being really stupid though. Like coming from a business perspective, or at least what I've learned in business classes so far at my college, his "manager" is still pretty genius with the idea. They probably could have went about it better though by keeping the price more under wraps and if people inquired for it they could shoot them a quote for the time needed. I really don't see why people are freaking out though. Of course people will pay for this, its the same fandom where people throw down 100's of dollars on deviant art for some half assed "ADOPT AN OC" thing and then roleplay with said OC in horrible chats with Chelis. People complaining that there will be Brownie fans that will actually pay for this is like complaining about how water is actually wet. As for asskissing, well just goes to show what some people wanna do to stay relevant I guess. I never really cared for show staff unless I've actually hungout with them before yo.
I r8 this post -8/8 for posting beating a dead horse b8.
>ignoring the fact Nash brought it up first
DeleteKibbie pls
DeleteThey're digging their graves deeper with every comment and reply that they post. It's a shame, really.
ReplyDeleteThis is glorious, they just keep digging deeper and deeper each time they comment, and i like BG but if you see this.
ReplyDeletePlease stop talking here, you're making it worse each time
Quite the immature little trolls really aren't you HN. One of these days people will learn not to take you seriously c:
ReplyDeleteCAPTCHA: pick out the limousines
Hi Gabe
DeleteHonestly, I don't know what to believe anymore. Just gonna say I find it hard to believe that LaserPon3 would go out of his way and make all this stuff up.
ReplyDeleteNo one is perfect and there are probably flaws on all sides (convention organisers, performers, VIPs). I would imagine the truth lies somewhere in the middle of it all.
DeleteThe constructive approach would've been to calmly and tactfully discuss concerns in private, learn from each others viewpoints and all do better next time. You know, like how the show attempts to teach us to deal with conflict. But hey it's the 2010s, no one does that any more, everyone just points fingers, hurls shit at each other and screeches about how evil the other guy is.
>The constructive approach would've been to calmly and tactfully discuss concerns in private
DeleteStop trying to reign in my drama.
LaserPon3 is a stand up guy, always thought Creber was a little bitch anyway.
DeleteIt's in BG and the Creber's interest to defend themselves and attempt to dispell any negative comments made about their decorum at cons and the fandom in general. However, the various musicians and con staff that have been airing their grievances have nothing to gain by doing so.
ReplyDeleteI am frankly a little appalled by BH and his oh so professional manager basically half admitted the complaints are based on actual events, but at the same time brushing them off as irrelevant. One cannot argue that from their perspective they were savings the day and did no real wrong, but obviously their involvement wasn't that welcome and con staff simply played nice at the time trying to keep them happy.
I think others can clearly see how arrogant and even entitled these people are behaving, but seem blind that this we know better attitude is exactly what's rubbing everyone the wrong way. They think they know what's best and want things their way and seem to have little care who they've stepped on to achieve this and the inconvenience they have been to cons.
Of course they get booked, but that stuff is handled at a con org level and they've got to play the politics in all this, it's the lowly volunteers that have to actually deal with them come con time.
Every time they respond they just keep digging themselves into a deeper hole. It is hardly the best course of action to respond to every source of criticism
DeleteEspecially when the source of criticism is a channer controlled rag that nobody give a shit about
Delete♫ " And I'll earn a lot of money, for the Apple family " ♪
ReplyDeleteIt still gets me that Skype chats with some near-irrelevant fan and a teen girl whose contribution to the show doesn't exceed 0.1% are a thing in the first place.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I'd blame Monique Creber for this, since she's the manager. BlackGryph0n comes off to me as autistic and literally cannot tell when he's in a bad social situation. But Monique? Fuck her, for she pimps off her child just to make a few bucks. It's like she doesn't realise her selfish attitude is going to fuck her daughter over big time when she finally grows up and realises what her mother did to her. I have a good feeling about this, that should the day come that Michelle breaks free from her mothers influence, she'll go the way of a good majority of child stars turned adult - a drug addicted freak only deserving of disgust and pity ala Miley Cirus or Lindsay Lohan.
DeleteWhile I can't blame them all as a group for their hustle, and let there be no doubt / credit where credit is due, they do have hustle. They know the majority of Bronies have a lot of cold clammy NEETBUX, that they are willing to throw away at anything resembling pony. From a money making standpoint, it's a genius move. But if they're going to do that, they should have at least the good sense to not try to make their argument come from a moral standpoint, because we will tear them down. Like we already have been doing.
In other words, you want to be the greedy Jew merchant? Go be that greedy Jew merchant. But do not attempt to persuade us that what you're doing is a morally good thing. This is where they've fucked up, because they have done exactly that.
Maybe this idea can be salvaged.
ReplyDeletePay $100 for a Skype call with someone of the show staff, $50 goes to charity.
This I would approve.
If it was some relevant someone from the show staff, then maybe. But with VAs you're pretty much limited to "who's your favourite pony?" questions.
In situations like this, the first rule should be that you don't make it personal. Gabriel broke this rule in the first five minutes. If there's enough backlash, you apologize and say you didn't know it would be received so negatively. This is the exact opposite of what Gabriel did what with his declaration that more or less said, "If you disagree with me, you're unimportant and/or wrong." (Good job alienating all those unimportant and/or wrong people; there's a lot of them!) If people don't accept a mere apology as sufficient, you stop whatever it is that caused the problem. AFAIK, there have been no hints that Gabriel or the Crebers are planning on removing the offer from their website.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a business/industry issue, it's a PR issue. And Gabriel screwed it up horribly—look at how people make this more about BlackGryph0n than about his manager who actually put the $100 Skype call deal on the site in the first place. The field day HN is having searching through the responses that thoroughly burn Gabriel and his supporters is far more damaging than any revenues they'd get from the people who'd take them up on it.
This is about as close as it gets for a textbook example of how NOT to handle a social media crisis.
DeleteThis is the best post i've seen today
Well said, 12:55!
DeleteUltimately the returns on his Skype calls aren't going to be worth this. I tried telling him this early on but as he said on Twitter, since I'm not friends with him my opinion doesn't matter. He's probably going to lose a noticeable chunk of fans and the income they bring, not to mention have a more awkward time at cons. Especially around the other musicians.
DeleteHis manager should have stepped in long ago for PR control, but instead she gets angry and posts comments right below his, even stooping so low as to bring up a national tragedy. Even now they're both still replying to people on Twitter. Hey, at least they stopped posting comments on HN. Baby steps!
I'd say the long term solution for BG would be to get a new manager, but I guess he's stuck with Michelle's mom. At least until she turns 18. Then who knows what the future holds for the two of them... Short term solution? Donate Monica's percent of the skype calls over to charity. Maybe one that's helping the most recent national tragedy she seems to care SO much about and totally isn't just using for her own means.
Have to agree with the above poster, it's a massive PR issue they jumped on too quickly, going into damage control far too quickly and angrily and it just made matters worse.
DeleteI know when the group I run with had a PR issue a while ago it was actually four days before we responded to the matter and it allowed for *actual* damage control to take place, it allowed us to take the whole thing with a calm head and see what was valid and what was clearly butthurting comments wise. It actually allowed us to grow and develop as a group.
This is versus this unfortunate issue where... they do show that they're out of their depth a little bit online-wise, they went in angry and oh boy are they going to pay for it..
I completely agree.. I can honestly say it was extremely stupid of me to respond at all. I let the comments get to me and I stupidly tried to explain myself. When people started making things up and attacking me, I got upset and I said some hurtful things in response that I really regret.. I don't think negatively of convention staff. I think it's a huge honor to be invited, and I love getting to see old friends and make new ones! As pathetic and cliche as this may sound, I like people and I want them to like me. So when people start saying I'm rude in person, or arrogant, or don't give people my time, that hurts me.. Because I really try to be nice. I tried to set the record straight and defend myself, and in doing so just made it worse.. I'm very sorry, and I sincerely hope nobody takes the things that I said out of hurt personally. I didn't mean them.
DeleteOh Gabriel. You missed the point. It's not that you stupidly tried to defend yourself, it's that you defended yourself stupidly. The fandom has a general dislike of your personality while enjoying your content. That's the environment that you have to deal with. As soon as you go heavily on the defensive or aggressive, you lost. That just encourages more people to come out of the woodwork and there are a lot of people in the woodwork. Nothing you can really do about it now but bunker down before you hurt yourself further.
Delete""As soon as you go heavily on the defensive or aggressive, you lost."mean "Bend over and take it up the ass.Channers are always right" in Chanspeak
Delete@BlackGryphon why are you still posting here,channers are deaf idiots and vulture that want to troll people and make them ad to keep their drama mill turning for teh lulz goatse over9000 legiunanon
That last bit of sending a message to BUCK was complete keks
ReplyDeleteThe whole post about BUCK was 100% keks and bullshit.
DeleteWait, so what was fake about the BUCK thing? Fill me in.
DeleteThere were delays at the BUCK saturday night concert (not the Summer SUn Celebration) in 2013, but the Crebers just stood around slating everyone for not being ready while the floor team actually set up.
DeleteI barely saw the crebers, they seemed to be ordering staff to get out a signing desk, or I saw them getting into their driver's car to go back to their hotel...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello! Silver Eagle here. It's been a hell of a week, and a lot of people are asking why I even bothered bringing this up, or making a big deal out of it in the first place. I figured I'd go where all the drama happens and answer that myself.
ReplyDeleteI've been listening to pony music for something like 4 years now, and all that time I've been a huge fan of BlackGryph0n. It's kind of hard not to be, considering he's churning out reliably "pop-worthy" hits all the damn time. Hell, if you want a picture of how much people like him, just look at the fact that PVL stations play his music so often that it averages one BG song every 2 minutes all day long. 720 plays a day, every day for 3 years. He's THAT popular.
Just because he's a Brony, though (and just because he literally wrote "Proud to be a Brony"), that doesn't mean I don't want to see him succeed professionally and make a living out of what he does best. I do, however, have plenty of reservations about how he's accomplishing that, and the compromises he's made in working with the Creber family to make that jump into the "real world" as it were.
It's no secret that the Crebers have earned a less-than-pleasant reputation for how they work with conventions. The archetypal "Stage Mom" Monique, having gotten a taste of fame when her husband helped invent the song "Bananaphone" (I'm not kidding. Look this up.), has seized upon her own child's popularity in the Brony fandom. Her family commands a steep pricetag at conventions and is hardly worth it for the amount of trouble they famously put convention AV and programming staff through. Hell, they treat many of the same fans they claim to be serving here like "the help" when they're running a convention. I've seen it, dozens of other con-runners have seen it, and lots of people are fed up with it.
BlackGryph0n made his first misstep in aligning his goals so closely to that family. It wasn't long before his own attendance at conventions started to reflect Monique's own personal attitude toward professionalism. He started charging for autographs like he was a part of the show staff (much to the show staff's dismay, as it was a slap in the face to their 60-hour work weeks), and only recently has expanded that out to include these Skype chats.
This wouldn't have blown up the way it did had BG not had some big friends in big places. Namely, my old competitors over at EFN are VERY fond of both him AND the Crebers. After all, Michelle hosted a show there. So when I popped up to say that his behavior was less than humble, suddenly up sprung no less than a dozen former-EFN staffers to justify the "business realities" of the situation and defend their friend.
At first, this meant that all BG saw was one complaint and a dozen supporters. This led him to think the complaining was just unimportant, but he made the mistake of repeatedly suggesting that the complainers didn't matter anyway. When you tell someone they don't matter, that's the fastest possible way to make them into a marginalized and even more upset group. No doubt that's what spawned the HN articles and the growing controversy. Add in some of the hail-corporate rhetoric that made EFN famous back in the day and here we are.
All I wanted was for BlackGryph0n to realize how his recent actions have started to make him look like he genuinely believes that he's "surpassed" all of us, and how giving back to us even in informal social form was a privilege we'd have to pay dearly for. I wanted him to realize that telling a group of people that they don't matter because they're just "haters" only makes the situation worse. I wanted him to understand that for as great as he likely thinks the Creber family is, not everyone agrees with that, and we aren't all crazy for disagreeing, either.
Has any of that been accomplished? Nah, not really. I'm not sure what I expected exactly.
>ENF doesn't exist anymore
Delete>They're still involved in drama
These guys are truly gifted.
EFN have to remain balls deep in drama, otherwise they'd be as irrelevant as they deserve to be. They keep stirring shit up in order to look like they're protecting the show staff, in some vain hope that they'll remain slightly involved in anything worthwhile.
DeleteThey spaen drama specifically for this purpose. Look at their campaign against BABScon. They continue to attack the convention under the guise of it being run by "toxic people", when in really Draft was the only one in the wrong there. Yet here we are nearly two years latter and they've still got this bullshit going about how BABS "mistreats the VAs" and "stole charity money", even though that's clearly bullshit.
They do it so they can white knight the very drama they stir up. That's why they were so eager to jump into the fray on this Creber situation. That's why they'll pop up again the next time there's drama, so they can call HN a hate site and try to look like they're defending the show staff.
We might like to enjoy drama, but without being central to it, EFN idiots wouldn't even exist, so far as this fandom is concerned. Pretty fuckin' transparent.
I was at Galacon and I love how people had to wear formal attire to go and see them perform. Yes, it was the *Gala*, yes, it was a more manageable environment than the rave next door, and yes there was no booze involved, yes, it was more appropriate for the style of music that Crebes and BG do, but...
DeleteIt seemed pretentious. Not their fault as such, as it was the con's decision.
But it STILL probably fuelled his ego a bit and it STILL makes me wonder if they partly had the fact that it was 'suits and ties and not riff raff' in mind, you know, Silver?
And also it meant there was like 40 people in the rave. It was nowhere near as good as BUCK's. And in GERMANY too. Shame.
"They were trying too hard, in the gala section, of course, wearing suits and ties with pony ears, hiding from the brutish reality that this was a kid's cartoon in the foul year of Our Lord, 2015."
Fuck, I was at Galacon too. The cringe...
DeleteBG and Michelle's thing at that nearly put me off going to cons for good. The cringe was off the charts. Especially the stand up "comedy" bit Michelle and BG did on one of the days. Wasn't funny, yet the whole room was laughing. There was this weird compulsion to laugh or something. Had nothing to do of course with the managers (parents) standing watch over the crowd...
Was weird as fuck.
I was at Galacon too.
Delete2 things caught my eye:
The advertisement at every entrance for Michelle and BG's performance.
A whole table for Michelle's parents to sell albums at the signing session. Nice marketing by the way: "if you buy one and they will sign it".
For the Gala, it has always been like this. It isn't because it was BG and Crebers, but because it was the Gala. It was the same last year, the year before that, etc.
DeleteI was also at Galacon this year. I know most of our group took advantage of the fact we were in Ludwigsburg and went exploring and drinking booze rather than going to the gala, and a lot of folks we met there were the same.
DeleteEnd of the day, the con's about the people, not the events or show guests.
Yeah Galacon is run by a bunch of self important fags, but that's a controversy for another time. :P
DeleteTrixie thread. Post best blue unicorn
Go to bed, Seth.
DeleteAh, so you HAVE seen this drama!
DeleteDo something constructive Seth and get this hatchet buried!
Seth I think you're drunk either actually post this on your own site or GTFO.
Wrong pony news site Seth. Go to bed
DeleteSeth commenting on HN. Sleep deprivation truly has side effects.
Deletetodays word of the day for blackgryphon and his cabal of friends is egotistical morons plain and simple and efn is the fox news/young Turks of the fandom now blackgryphon if you do show up at some point all I have to say is this I don't hate I don't even care about you but you are really giving me a reason to but then again iam just an anonymous peasant who is not worthy of your aristocratic presence (the last part is sarcasm)
ReplyDeleteSo remember when >HN was formed as a satire of EFN, and then the >HN staff teased an oral history of all the bullshit that Final Draft and his goons were pulling, but put it off time and time again?
ReplyDeleteHow about it? Now might be good a time as any to remind us all of why the EFN people are monsters and creeps...
Even their most recent members have turned out to be jackoffs. Did you know Cayci stole her boyfriend from a friend of hers? Just ask ElieMonte how her LDR turned out with Bviddycent...
DeleteThanks for your evaluation, Jesus 21:29. It's disheartening to learn that some people may not live up to your standards, and should not take part in society. Please show us the way to purity.
DeleteCayci over here is kind of worrying me that they seem to think that "not stealing your friends boyfriends" is something only Jesus could attain
Deletepretty sure the only requirement is not being a whore
So was it a gradual or overnight change for BG turning into a self centered asshole?
ReplyDeleteWell, he's been creepy for a while...
DeleteThe fire rises...
ReplyDelete>Chelshit mocks Nash for blocking everyone
ReplyDelete>Screencap shows Chelshit blocked Nash
top kek
Those screencaps were taken from a few sources, Silver Eagle included.
DeleteChelfag btfo
Deletedo I have to pay 100 United states Dollars if I say hello to them on the street?
ReplyDeleteYou're not going to get those 100 shekels back, anon.
ReplyDeleteif you don't understand the price you're a total fucking newfag
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't pay for what he's offering but he's got a right to offer it. Honestly people like Silver Eagle, HN, Silva Hound etc just sound whiny at this point.
ReplyDeleteIf someone bigger than the voice of an annoying little shit offers to talk to the fanbase, FOR FREE, watch as these bozos start backpedalling at the speed of light.
ReplyDelete>there are some in that group that actually have a brian
In other horse news...
ReplyDeleteBefore I forget, the folks at 8chan's /pone/ send their regards.
Ahhh yes the hiatus has barely begun, and already there's delicious dramas to keep us going...hopefully for one year and a half. Looking forward to all the mudslinging backstabbing relationship destroying entertainment!!
ReplyDeleteReading all of this and trying to think of something to say that hasn't already been said.. And I couldn't think of anything...
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's the problem...
People say too much.
Let's play the quiet game for a bit :)
I honestly thought the whole issue behind them charging a hundred bucks for a Skype call (I don't agree with it, but it's whatever, if people want to spend a hundred bucks to talk to an overrated fan musician and some random VA, that's on them) was stupid, but after seeing how BG and the Crebers reacted, I'm genuinely disgusted, and eagerly await to see how much more damage they do to their reputations.
ReplyDeleteI'm always late to the party but from what I've known BG I'm only familiar with due to the Bronies React videos. Michelle Creber is on the show (and she was at the first Fiesta Equestria I believe, my memory sucks but that's life so there is that). It's fun trying to read all this and add something that hasn't been said before, hmm... Well, probably for that starter I don't see BG as being famous when I only know of him due to just one set of videos. I'm not into brony music much but I'm well aware of the song Discord, artist Silva and many other artists and pieces. BG, not really (don't take it offensively, I just haven't heard of him outside those BR videos).
ReplyDeleteFrom what I remember the best way to do PR on social media these days is to only respond to it if it is fitting for the business or organization. Responding to trolls or other nonsensical sorts is only asking for trouble and placed Monique on the low ground. As most of us people know attacking from the low ground is always a move that will spectacularly fail.
I tend to take what happened at cons with a grain of salt since I wasn't present to say who did this or who did that. Basing my opinion on what I've read being 'defensive' doesn't particularly help one's image. There's a lot more credibility in being calm and collected rather than ruining the image of oneself further by bashing and calling others liars. This is assuming my interpretation of things is correct, I shouldn't be typing at 2 am.
As for the Skype deal in and of itself I was originally impartial in the sense of Supply and Demand. If people want it at $100 then it'll increase to prevent overloading of the duo. Too much and the price may go down to sell more. But seeing the product not being tangible and having no cost 'to produce' it could easily remain at $100 indefinitely unless a unit is actually sold. Currently I find the presentation to be icky if not slightly exploiting many bronies who don't see reality for what it is. It's also one of those Custom To Order things and I'd like to buy something cheaper if it is not nearly as complicated as what someone else requires What do I know.
At least it keeps us distracted from the big picture, right guys?
>It's better if you remove your name and just shut the fuck up
Deletelol gryph0nfag pls kill urself.
is your native language english? I don't think you really grasped what zero said. His argument was valid. You sound like a 12 year old troll m8.
To Anon 13:49. I never said benefit, I said fitting. You can have a tweet or post directed at BG/MC that fits their group/business/organization/whateveryouwishtocallit but is not necessarily positive. It's just there's a fine line between a fan voicing these concerns like a civil person vs. going out and bashing BG/MC saying they're a ripoff. Replying to a valid concern can improve or weaken the PR while replying to the troll has no redeemable value and can easily kill PR.
DeleteZero isn't much of a name, it's more of a number if you ask me.
02:58 - I'm not going to be able to sift through all the channels and figure out who replied to him, who deleted their comments but the brony fandom in general (as I've tweeted and have been followed by many "important" people at some point) generally ignores civil comments and reply to the troll ones. I would say in an 'ideal' (not realistic) I don't see why a civil comment would cause BG and company to erupt unless, as it is stated, they are not a friendly people. I don't consider myself to be right in this argument just merely stating my thoughts on the matter.
DeleteYou're correct in that BG could very well responded to the comments better. What I'm partially getting at as well is the lack of damage control which applies more or less to Monique, their manager, rather than BG (hence my original post is directed more at her in the PR aspect than BG). That may of been the slight confusion is that the first paragraph is directed at BG, the second is directed at Monique. You can have an underling shoot their mouth off but if the person is charge joins in then yeah. That and I prefer using 'PR' to address a group while public image is more of an individual thing.
'ideal' situation. My grammar is failing me these days.
DeleteCause right now I see BG doesn't represent the group more or less rather than himself (or lack thereof). Though each person sees things differently, I suppose.
ReplyDeleteAll I know about this is that Nash buys all in to retards like Zoe Quinn and other cancerous cucks of that particular flavor, so I wouldn't trust anyone like that in the slightest, EFN history notwithstanding.
ReplyDeleteI'm gone for a few weeks smoking weed and fucking my woman and you guys do this? Jesus, I'm proud
ReplyDeleteSheesh. Is there any recognized fandom content creator who's still around who hasn't jumped off the deep end?
ReplyDeleteCircuitFry went full SJW a long time ago, BG and the crebers did... this, Mando's "coincidentally" meeting up with the show composer, the crebers, and Sibsy reeks of machiavellian scummy manipulation, SoGaP vanished, and a few of the other artists changed their names or deleted their stuff.
Is it popularity feeding their mental illnesses to the point where they collapse under their own ego?
Given just how spectacularly BG's burned the bridge, I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding the common creator's complaints, overall. People found them and gave them views because they were searching for fanmade content. Not because they discovered how amazing this one particular content creator was. They usually seem to not understand this part of it. Abandoning the fandom or having an egotistical meltdown leaves the impression that these people, who I think were usually regarded as fellow fans who were catalyzed by a shared interest, were just using the brony fandom as a disposable stepping stone. I don't think many people like the feeling of being used and discarded. Throwing insults on top of that really inverts any previous good feelings held towards them.
I know that 14 million fans is a lot, and you're going to get at least a few oddities and assholes among a group that big, but that seems to be the box that *most* of the content creators have chosen to put themselves in.
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