Is It Porn? Now you can know for sure

How many times has this happened to you? : 
It's 3 o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday, and you should be in bed, but you happen to be an insomniac who just NEEDS the world to see more pictures of a blue horse in a blue hat. You're scrolling through all the pictures of her you downloaded that day, and in your sleep-deprived state, you are unsure if the one you've chosen to post, is pornographic in nature or not. You then remember that you're trying to keep the site clean, but have no one to turn to, because it's 3AM and everyone else is in bed.

Well have no fear Seth hypothetical reader, because "" is here to help at last!

IsItPorn is a site that automatically confirms whether or not a photo is porn or not, based on a super-scientific 100% reliable algothingy that gives you a percentage of likelyhood that someone is going to get an erection by looking at it. And we all know that an erection is like a flag on satan's mailbox, and should be avoided at all costs until marriage you filthy heathens.

So far the site has been mostly used to determine the sexiness of horse pictures.
So please continue to send us your findings.

Comments (5)

  1. Like, wow, skooks!

  2. All pony is 100% porn according to the algorithm in my brain...

  3. I Can't Believe It's Not Porn!

  4. don't forget this gem:
