Brony Musician Cyrricky Resurrected as DMCA-Slinging Shark Girl

In this waking life, there are three things you can count on: death, taxes, and Brony musicians being complete shitheads.

This week, we've had our fair share of dickery, and it all starts with Cyrricky.

In every way except physical, I am a shark.

You probably don't remember Cyrricky as one of the contributing musicians to 2012's Balloon Party album "100% No Feeble Cheering", with the song "Party Pony". He also released some pony music on his own.

Well, you won't believe what he's done!

If you guessed "left the fandom angrily, set up a gender-swapped sharksona Twitter profile, then set out to fuck with the fandom", you're insanely right.

I wish everyone was this honest.
Cyrricky, now a plucky girl-shark named "Shark Theme Park", has decided that all of the music they released in the pony fandom wasn't actually ours to play in the first place, and rather than politely ask that the songs be removed, they instead sent out a wave of DMCA takedown notices to anyone who uploaded it on YouTube or played it on the radio, even going after DJs who included the music in their sets.

For those of you unfamiliar with YouTube's handling of DMCA takedown notices, essentially they just take a huge shit in your Cheerios. After just a single copyright "strike" (which follows a "guilty until proven innocent" appeals process), you're prevented from making videos longer than 15 minutes, unlisted/private videos, streaming live or adding external annotations.

To a lot of YouTube users, this means you're completely fucked. And Cyrr--SharkThemePark thinks this is just hilarious.

"HaHA! If I can't be horse famous, I'll take you all down with me!"
There's just one problem: Cyrricky doesn't own the rights to their submission in Balloon Party. The entire BP album series is licensed under a very permissive Creative Commons license, that allows remixing, sharing and copying, as long as the purposes are non-commercial.

Cyrricky never signed anything saying that, though. Granted, they didn't have to; after all, they submitted their music to the album knowing exactly where it was going. But with logic like that, how could anyone sit and watch the fandom burn?

"Show me where, in writing, it says I'm a cunt."
Currently, YouTubers across the fandom are busy appealing the DMCA copyright strikes sent out by the salty shark, with some having limited success and others finding their accounts penalized until at least November. Even in the (seemingly arbitrary) case where SharkThemePark has issued a retraction of the takedown, the restrictions will take at least 2 weeks to be lifted, because DMCA takedowns are automated and immediate, while retractions require manual human review.

Make no mistake, the system's prone to abuse. What seems to prevent this abuse is artists knowing the kind of damage that this kind of mistreatment of their fans would cause to their reputation. After all, no self-respecting musician who really cared about their image would ever punish fans for playing music they were allowed to play, and...

...oh. So they just don't care.

Moments like this are just harsh reminders that the entire Brony music community is based on the fragile assumption that everyone's not going to be total cunts to one another. Once someone breaks this unspoken rule, things get bad fast.

A word of advice to Cyrricky, though: if infringement isn't your thing, maybe this shouldn't be one of your album covers:

The original, by Skrillex

Comments (29)

  1. A (former) fandom "musician" abusing DMCA to fuck with people they don't like? Sounds like someone took inspiration for Mando.

    1. This is worse than Mando, this person sounds like a Ted Anderson piece of shit type person.
      I just downloaded that album last night, if anyone wants a copy, I'll send it to them. You don't just give out a song then decide you don't want it out. I mean, look at the GPL. You can close your code up later on, but that doesn't mean the versions licensed under the GPL all of a sudden are null. Hopefully some rich motherfucker takes this asshole to court and bankrupts them, now THAT would be funny.

    2. Sounds like business as usual. The DMCA has been a total joke since Day 1. It's so incredibly easy to abuse. You can file a false DMCA against anyone you want and only threatening legal action or doxing will scare them enough to back off.

  2. Nothing like a salty musician to spruce up the drama levels.

  3. The album only had a few decent songs on it, and Party Pony wasn't one of them, tbh

  4. Autism struck again.


  6. Well, you *did* complain about the lack of horse drama lately...

  7. Here's some of the music that he doesn't want up:!uhcXgb5R!FxS_0EN5NtrCROicn1mdLw

    Not too bad, actually.

    If he's actually also filing reports for his Nightmare Night remix, he went full retard. The vocal chops in there are Hasbro property.
    Not that i'm against remixing copyrighted material, but Cyrricky is a colossal faggot and should be treated accordingly.

  8. >and brony musicians being complete shitheads

    Damned if that ain't the truth. If it isn't them circlejerking their egos to the high heavens, its them thinking they're somehow better than the fandom at large... When more often than not they're just as bad, if not worse.

    Bonus points go to those that think "social justice warrior" isn't a perjoratove term. And there's a lot of them on twitter and tumblr.

  9. This screams of furry DFE-ing. They decided to go full furry, and their furry friends don't like ponies. So they are trying to DFE everything pony-related so their new furry hump buddies don't know they were ever into ponies. "See guys, your girl shark hates ponies like you! Now hump my ass more! i hate ponies! Unf!" So the down side is articles like this will make them see themselves as right MORE because they'll now try to DMCA Horse News to delete MORE proof they were ever into ponies. Because oh noes, someone might find out they like something the rest of their new clique they are in doesn't! How dare they be different!

    1. This. ^^^

    2. Furries generally don't hate MLP guys... Besides the tired old fact that Brony conventions are still classified as Furry conventions there is all the wild horse porn, stories, media on FurAffinity from furries who don't really identify as Bronies but still like the show. I think this is more about being an elitist shithead than about being Brony vs Furry drama.

  10. ladies and gentlemen another scummy fucking sack of dogshit who makes false claims on YouTube in order to piss people off and silence the opposition

  11. Jesus Christ. This asshole sounds worse than me.

  12. Horse news: We want more articles like this. Please, its what made HN so popular in the first place. Stop being EQD, and get on with the horse drama.

    1. They've just been so busy rubbing elbows with convention organizers and hanging out with the horse famous and MLP show staff. They've got to start playing the politics of the fandom, act more professional and be part of the drama, rather than just report on it.

      You know, become the very thing they originally made fun of.

    2. So you're saying that Horse News sold out? I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

    3. Would be easier if there was drama to report on.

  13. Why the fuck does that shark have ears?

  14. Didn't even knew about this "musician" before and i follow it very closely... BP is full of shit now btw.

  15. Nicely memed bro

  16. Whatever. Doesn't change the fact that Horse News has now become a bunch of elitist shitheads that don't want to "bother with the little people."

  17. Say hello to the new EFN.

  18. Yeah. If you're reading this, Capper General, you ought to be fucking ashamed of yourself, asshole! You've become what you were fighting! You are just like the horsefamous assholes like Dustyfatass and OsamaJackoff who think you're better than everyone else and your shit doesn't stink! I hope you fucking DIE!

  19. Ow! Shit... I think I cut myself on all this edge.

  20. At least they realized on their own they are a diskless bitch trapped in an ugly boy's body. Which seems to be a common theme trans bronies.

    Not transphobic, I'm just a bitchist. I hate little bitches.
