Site that literally everyone hates reports record numbers of users

Derpibooru, a site that literally everyone in the fandom hates regardless of preferred fandom website, recently reported a record increase in their userbase. This is of course coming hot on the heels that the site is both a Social Justice Warrior haven as well as a disgusting and triggering den of online misogyny and racism.

Yes, the site that manages to somehow be both a haven for radical MRA neckbeards as well as a safe space for diverse humanizations all within the same week has reported no slowdowns in spite of their recently revealed staff associations. It was estimated that the rapid uptick occurred sometime between the community forcing unfair rules and bans on people who wished to call OP a faggot on a picture of Fluttershy eating a cookie and them being horrible racists who refuse to accept that Pinkie Pie is a demisexual fat-positive otherkin Puerto-Rican.

 The only acceptable humanization

When presented with an obviously unoffensive and gracious edit of an artist's work, the Derpibooru staff were not appreciative:
No Popo Pie allowed

Derpibooru staff, cooperating with SJWs while simulataneously being misogynistic shitlords, threatened the very fandom by bending to a "Do Not Post" request by the artist:

 Disgustingly bowing to SJW pressures

When we attempted to reach the staff for comment on this, another artist complaining that their humanization was not given fifty upvotes immediately means that the users are racist and  people commenting on the newest futa Luna with numerous accusations of people being faggots were distracting them. Eventually both groups dispersed after the former favorited several pages of fetish art that they claimed on their Tumblr to be disgusted by and the latter after they went back to their site, where, being much more free than Derpibooru, obviously forbids porn.

  The somehow both SJW and misogynistic shitlord admins of Derpibooru in a nutshell

Comments (30)

  1. I like Derpibooru.

    1. me too nigga, me too

    2. It's the 30 yr old neckbeards who will simultaneously tip the hat for m'lady whilst enjoying their wierd furry goru or whatever. These are the people who are in admin positions and mod positions on basically any internet community. That or SJW's, case in point look at literally any mod or admin for popular forums and sites you'll find it's always the case.

  2. I miss ponibooru.

    1. Ponibooru was the greatest pony site of all time. There was no room for hurt feelings in that bloodbath. RIP Ponibooru.

    2. Ponibooru was quite awful. You may have nostalgia for it but when you do some thinking you realisze how bad it actually was. Not to say I didn't have good memories there but still. For all the complaining people do about how slow DB's servers were PB was much worse. Let's not forget about the spam attacks and the below the optimal amount of moderation that was sorely needed.

    3. Yeah, it was slow, and spam was there, but the freedom was amazing - especially when compared to Derpibooru and their terror of saying anything that could be construed as negative.

    4. The Freedom was amazing until the amount of shitheads started to grow.

    5. I'm still waiting for the triumphant return of Octabooru. It was probably not a good idea to use the site's lack of DNP to store sensitive implicative materials towards certain fandom and twitter e-celebs, however. Spoo.

  3. But Derpibooru is good if you just want clop and not furfag shit.

    1. e621 has some good filtering to help you with that, paheal is great if you don't want OC-only shit. Derpi is usually my go-to if I'm not actually looking for porn.

  4. Man, what is this article even talking about?

  5. Sounds like someone has a case of asspain and just wants to vent.



    1. sounds like someone wants to act like a faggot


      oh well look at that

  6. I want to have anal sex with this article.

  7. The thread was pretty kek

  8. wtf ???? this article is so confusing i cant even be mad just,,, awed at the stupidity

    1. And can't even use the most basic level of grammar.

    2. -- I DNP'd because someone edited my art without permission, and none the less whitewashed my it which I'm very against. /mlp/ continued to edit my art and tried to post it to derpibooru, just to spite me, but it was quickly taken down due to the DNP.

      -- I never forced him to agree with my headcanon. He blatantly said that my headcanon was wrong, I quote; "...Pinkie isn't black." -- and when i called him out on his racism, he started attacking every little flaw he could find, even trying to 'grammar nazi' me, which is fucking low because it show how you're out of ammo and try to at least throw small rocks at your enemy.

      you people don't even deserve 'basic grammar' bc im sick and tired of people who think they're allowed to take something and mold it into their view and destroying it with no consideration for the person that worked and made that so you could perhaps appreciate it a little bit bc maybe???? you're capable of not being a dickwad about an art piece??

  9. Looks like someone had their filters set to "TV-Y" when taking that screencap...

  10. I hate derpibooru only for this DNP shit that was also enhanced when a shitload of artists started to make patreons.

  11. I got banned for 1000 years for calling mod a fatass!Good times!

  12. I think the point is that because derpibooru doesn't strictly cater to either tumblrfags or nor/mlp/eople, that it ends up getting hated by the extreme cases of both, even though most people don't actually give a shit.

  13. Whenever I get banned I usually go for break and do this. Suprisingly the only place I've got unbanned from was 4chan, it was a actual misunderstanding and the janitor unbanned me in a couple hours of sending a message.
    Literally nowhere else would do that.

  14. I miss the days when we just called anyone who didn't kiss our ass good enough "Nazi" or "Hitler".

    It's a new year, people! LET'S BRING BACK GODWIN'S LAW! 2015 IS THE YEAR OF HITLER!

  15. I like derpibooru too, but there is so much weird shit...

  16. "Derpibooru, a site that literally everyone in the fandom hates regardless of preferred fandom website"
    Article author is a Derpibooru moderator

  17. I fucking hate Derpibooru because you can't have a negative opinion about anything on their shitty site without some cock-sucker saying "Hurrr dnt liek den ues filters dummy"
